Monday, January 13, 2025

April 21, 2016

Female Cell C Staff Hold Onto Jobs With Predictable Statement In Support Of Sexist Boss

Most of us know that throwing your boss under the bus isn't the wisest move, so are we surprised that Cell C employees are rallying around their CEO?

Cell C might have some of the shittest signal in the country but the sexist statements made by their CEO have reached far and wide.

You can see those statements by Jose Dos Santos HERE, then follow it up with what can at best be described as a piss poor apology HERE.

Now for the next predictable step in the process – glowing reviews from the female employees. Here’s eNCA:

On Wednesday Candice Jones, media relations officer for Cell C, stated regarding the controversial comments, “There have been moments in all our lives when we have said or done something we regret. For some the consequences were difficult to swallow while others escaped with a mere reminder to do better tomorrow.”

Jones explained in a statement that the media and social media’s response to Dos Santos’ remarks prompted the female management team of Cell C to reflect their opinion on the matter.

“As the top female management team of Cell C, we agree that his (Jose Dos Santos) choice of words on a specific matter was not appropriate. However, what we know is that the public outrage he is facing for that regrettable choice of words has far outweighed what he has done for every employee in this company, particularly women. We believe in ourselves collectively as a team of highly-skilled and highly-capable women and we are rightly recognised as such in this company. What we know is that we have all had far more opportunities to shine and be our best under his leadership. If this was not the case, we would not be here,” it read.

Jones stated that while the women realise they may face criticism for their decision to back Dos Santos; they could not allow their CEO to be judged solely for one “unfortunate comment” and let his actions to empower people go unnoticed.

Here’s an example of Jose Dos Santos treating the ladies to a lovely brunch:


One bad interview doesn’t make someone a complete tosser, I think we should bear that in mind. It’s just worrying that men in powerful positions like this still aren’t attuned to the fact that terms like ‘bitch switch’ will never sit well with the public.

And what of the female employees now put in this awkward position – of course they have to endorse Jose, are they supposed to slam him to the media and risk losing their jobs?

Just think before you mouth off in the future folks, today’s public are an unforgiving bunch and they expect better than misogynistic comments plucked from the 1950s.




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