An extensive face transplant surgery gave Mitchell Hunter a nose, eyelid, and facial animation muscle and nerves – this after he suffered significant injuries in a 2001 car accident during which he was zapped for about five minutes with 10 000 volts of electricity.
It’s been five years since that surgery took place, and now Mitchell has spoken out about the transformation:
I feel just as healthy as I did when I was 21, and I feel great. It’s a lot easier going out in public. I don’t get the stares. I’m just another face in the crowd, and that’s all I ever wanted.
I look back on it as something that made me stronger. I mean, yeah I would like to have my leg and my face back, but without that happening, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
Now 35, Hunter is the second full-face transplant recipient in the U.S. He can now even feel sensation on his face.
Hot, cold, pain, tickle, rubbing my beard, someone kissing my face — I can feel everything. It was amazing, just having sensation like that come back.It feels great. It feels normal. When I leave the house, it’s just a normal routine. I get up, take a shower, get my car keys, leave, go to the store. It feels nice being a regular human being and having a nine to five job, waking up just like the next guy and going to work.
[source: cnn]