Ever since we did our own digging into what’s been going on at The Nunnery at 207 Bree Street (our exclusive HERE, catch yourself up to speed), we’ve heard a fair bit from our readers on the matter.
We’ve also kept our sleuthing caps on, and uncovered an open letter penned to Percy Choritz by Michelle Turvey of Urban Lime, a commercial property company specialising in urban regeneration of the Cape Town CBD.
Choritz, in case you’re not aware, is the landlord at 207 Bree Stree. He is also the man who offered the R10 000 reward for proving that any illegal activity was taking place at The Nunnery, which may have spurred many into action.
Unfortunately he has deemed our evidence insufficient, stating that we have failed to provide credible proof of illicit conduct going on at the property.. which means no reward for us or SWEAT.
Anyway back to that open letter – give it the once over and we’ll dig deeper when you’re done.
Well, that throws a little spanner in the works. So do we have any proof that Choritz knew about dodgy dealings at 207 Bree Street back in 2012, as the letter above alleges?
How about THIS from IOL, back in January of 2012, titled ‘City Brothel Shut Down’? These snippets make for interesting reading:
The Bree Street premises are where the escort agency Bedazzled is allegedly run.
A sheriff of the court, Gordon Bagley, leading a small team of helpers, took no more than an hour to clear out the premises – a simple, single-floor building with no signage other than a street number and a blue light outside the door…
The two piles of belongings included everything from boxes of condoms, clothing and mattresses, to furniture, empty beer cans, towels and even a sultry picture of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe in a gold dress…
An affidavit by one of the trustees, Percy Choritz, said the trust was unaware that the premises were being used as a brothel and was under the impression that it was a health spa.
However, in a letter to the trust, which was sent by attorney Shane Blows on [Igor] Russol’s behalf, dated December 22, 2011, Blows claimed that Choritz was “fully aware of the nature of the business”, which had always “unmistakably been a brothel”.
Blows further proposed that Choritz and Russol enter a direct lease agreement with an “intermediary” to distance Choritz from the brothel.
Choritz denied Blows’s allegations and refused to enter a direct lease agreement, saying that Blows had proposed an agreement that would allow Russol to “carry on conducting his illegal business”.
The article also notes that businessman Garith Nunn held the lease at this time, although he had sub-let the premises to a certain Igor Russol.
So five years ago and the three central figures in this story – Choritz, 207 Bree Street and Garith Nunn – were being called out for a brothel on the property.
Make of that what you will.