For many people snakes are an unwelcome sight at the best of times, usually greeted with much screaming and frantic calls for help.
Then there’s the scenario where you find two snakes mating whilst dangling from your ceiling, and all things considered this chap handles it pretty well.
Sure the South Carolina man did say ‘it’s the stuff of nightmares’, but Mark Hyatt managed to maintain some degree of composure.
This from Huffington Post:
…he returned to find the creepy crawlies “squirming in all their glory” in front of his face.
“They were just slithering around. I could see two heads and their tongues flashing”…
“Of course, I was in shock,” Hyatt said. “But I thought my dad would really get a kick out of this, so I pulled out my phone and started shooting video”…
“I propped my front door open and I used my broom to kind of swat them down to the ground. I made a little barricade that would lead them out the front door,” Hyatt said.
One of the snakes successfully made it out the door, only to “charge right back into the house” three times, he said.
Hyatt had to grab the persistent reptile by its tail and toss it outside to finally remove it. As for the second snake, he said, “It’s still in my house and I don’t know where it is.”
“I’m on pins and needles,” he added. “I think they’re black snakes, so I doubt they’re any danger. In fact, I think they’re a benefit to have around your property.”
Not so sure about that last bit, for most people the best snake is certainly a snake hanging from someone else’s ceiling.
Let’s see his video then:
Just to brighten up your Friday then – remember when Samuel L. starred in this pile of crap?