If you happen to be a keen hiker who has a soft spot for Table Mountain, you might know that the Blinkwater Ravine is not for the lighthearted – and walking it in the thick mist and howling wind that covered the peninsula last night is kak stupid (although so is hiking any trail in such weather.)
Last night, a rescue team was assembled to save three hikers who were stuck on the route.
The team comprised of six technically skilled volunteers, a paramedic and at least three climbers from Hottentots Holland, according to Johann Marais spokesperson for Wilderness Search and Rescue (WSAR).
The three were attempting to access the route from the Camps Bay side of the mountain, and were in cellphone contact the whole time. The rescue team took several 50m ropes and climbing gear in case they had to negotiate any climbing sections. Marais continued:
The field team resolved that it would be safer to take them up the mountain and then rendezvous with vehicles on the back of Table Mountain.
There is a small and difficult track from Constantia Nek which allows one to drive up. This is what our volunteer 4×4 members did last night in howling wind and thick mist.
The hikers were rescued and the operation was completed around 1AM this morning.
Thank the high heavens – but may this be a warning to you all.