We often deal with ad agencies, which means we know full well how many people have to sign off on artwork before you’ll find it splashed across your computer screens.
It seems beyond belief that glaring errors still manage to sneak through undetected, but then again we all remember BIC pens (HERE).
You don’t remember BIC pens? Shame on you – if you can’t be bothered to rehash the whole thing then let’s just slip this in…
By Jove, it still makes me shudder.
So what kind of fail are we dealing with here? Yesterday a reader sent this Absa ad our way, and it took a few seconds before we noticed that all hadn’t gone according to plan.
Take a second…
Free. Has there ever BEER a sweeter word?
I get it, we love beer too, but banking and young girls and alcohol aren’t usually thrown together into the same advertising pot.
We can’t find this Absa fail mentioned anywhere else, and this is usually the kind of blunder everyone gobbles up with relish – you guys seen this one out there on the interweb?
On an unrelated note, it’s definitely too early to crack a cold one right?