An unidentified American city is the epicentre of a nuclear bombing in the latest propaganda video out of North Korea, and it’s just a little scary.
Played during a grand performance put on in Pyongyang, a recording of the scene shows a room filled with members of the Korean People’s Army clapping enthusiastically once the video ends – although we can only imagine what would happen to them if they didn’t clap.
Just take a look at what you would have to put up with if you were a citizen of North Korea:
How much better do you feel about South Africa?
Marking the 105th birthday of Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Un’s late grandfather and the nation’s founder, New York Post reports the “Day of Sun” festival also featured a new song about missile launches, with the lyrics going along the lines of this:
“It flies as quickly as a flash of lightning to challenge imperialism.”
Can you even.
Jong-Un even took a missile [the image up top] to the streets of the capital, showing it off during a parade.
It was the same day he attempted to launch a missile at South Korea but failed horribly.
Can’t have it all your own way, little man.