So Donny D went and did it, joining forces with powerhouses Nicaragua and Syria in turning his back on the Paris Agreement.
Nicaragua, by the way, didn’t join because they don’t think the Paris Agreement does enough to curb climate change, and Syria are kinda busy with full-blown civil war.
So how do you entertain the waiting journalists and Washington brown-nosers before you sell future generations down the pisser?
Bring out the jazz band to play some sultry summer tunes, of course…
Military jazz quartet accompanying Trump’s Paris pull-out announcement at WH: “Surreal…its like the Titanic band,” 1 guy here says
— Asawin Suebsaeng (@swin24) June 1, 2017
So soft, so soothing, so much like the band that played on the Titanic as it sunk – ironically thanks to an iceberg, so maybe Trump’s just making maritime navigation easier.
Alright then, bust out Summertime:
Please do not let the irony of the lyrics pass you by:
And the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’
And the cotton is high
Your daddy’s rich
And your mamma’s good lookin’
So hush little baby
Don’t you cry
That Donald just does whatever he wants, right? Kinda, although if you follow the money it all makes sense. Below from the Guardian:
Twenty-two senators wrote a letter to the president when he was said to be on the fence about backing out. They received more than $10m from oil, gas and coal companies the past three election cycles…
Unmissable behind the elected Republicans stand other interests: the oil, gas and coal industries, which together are some of the most influential donors to Republican candidates.
The big-money supporters got a return on their investment last week, when 22 Republican senators whose campaigns have collected more than $10m in oil, gas and coal money since 2012 sent a letter to the president urging him to withdraw from the Paris deal.
Trump had been said to be on the fence about the deal. Members of his inner circle, including his daughter, were reported to favor [sic] staying in…
Donations from oil, gas and coal interests to the signatories of the letter are Open Secrets that seemed ready for a new review. A Guardian survey of Federal Elections Commission data organized by the Center for Responsive Politics found that the industries gave a total of $10,694,284 to the 22 senators over the past three election cycles.
Visible donations to Republicans from those industries exceeded donations to Democrats in the 2016 election cycle by a ratio of 15-to-1…
At least $90m in untraceable money has been funneled to Republican candidates from oil, gas and coal interests in the past three election cycles, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures analyzed by the Center for Responsive Politics.
America First? Giving a voice to the forgotten men and women? Drain the swamp? And the biggest farce of all – Make American Great Again.
French president and handshaker extraordinaire Emmanuel Macron gets it, sending out this tweet following Trump’s announcement: