Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cambridge Uni’s May Ball Is Basically A Posh Plett Rage [Images]

They might have produced Nobel Prize winners, and other esteemed members of society, but over at Cambridge University they still know how to boogie.

The students of Cambridge University are known for being a pretty brainy bunch, but that doesn’t mean they don’t let loose when the time is right.

Uni students celebrate the start of the summer break with a series of events called the May Balls, donning tuxedos and gowns before knocking back a few toots.

Or, in some cases, more than a few. Some info from the Daily Mail:

Even as the sun came up this morning, it was clear the students had no intention of calling it a night as they clattered home from the all-night bash, with some even stripping off to take a dip in the River Cam.

The raucous annual gathering, traditionally a celebration of the end of exams and the beginning of the summer break, gives students a chance to let their hair down – and tonight it was the turn of Trinity, Clare and and Jesus College’s residents to throw a lavish party…

The sold-out ball, which rolls on until 6am, is the largest event of the Cambridge student social calendar and some students queued for several hours to get into the party on Monday evening.

The party was lavish and the hair was let down:

Trinty College alone “has spawned some 32 Nobel Prize Winners”, so they must be doing something right.

Good effort, but they don’t have anything on the heathens who call Newcastle home (HERE).
