Sunday, February 16, 2025

It Looks Like Donald Trump Is Having A Full Meltdown On Twitter Today

Just when you think that the Donald can't surprise you, he goes and tweets something like this. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Just when you think you have heard it all, Donny wakes up and starts poking his phone.

Twitter, of course.

So he started off his rant about an hour ago with a little something about sugar – fairly standard:

Thanks, Donnie, saving the world one sweet deal at a time.

But then it happened. Trump allowed that petty little voice, which I’m guessing resembles a wailing nine-year-old that’s crapped his pants, to win out.

A show on MSNBC called Morning Joe must have poked fun at the twit, and that set him off.


She was bleeding from the face.

This is a 71-year-old man, entrusted with running America, who resorts to the type of name-calling you would be ashamed to hear come out of a high-schooler’s mouth.

Bleeding badly from the face, too.

This is Mika Brzezinski, by the way:

And this is Trump:

And this is the world we now live in.

