Thursday, February 13, 2025

July 18, 2017

Dashcam Footage Of A 26-Car Pileup On The N17 In Springs [Video]

26 cars smashed into each other up in Springs earlier this month, and now Arrive Alive have released dashcam video from the accident.

It’s not easy to keep your cool on the road, evident by the amount of road rage videos we see doing the rounds daily.

Props to this guy, then, who manages to keep remarkably calm during a 26-car pileup in Springs from earlier this month.

According to News24, a 48-year-old woman died in the crash, trapped in her bakkie before being freed by the Jaws of Life.

Thankfully the drivers of the car involved in the crash below seem to escape unharmed, although there is some choice language along the way.

Just when you think you’ve avoided the crash – bang:

From Wheels24:

The smoke was said to be as a result of a veld fire next to the highway. Heavy smog drastically reduced visibility. Several motorists were injured in a chain of collisions on both sides of the highway.

The video was shared via the Arrive Alive’s Twitter account, which is a message we can all get behind.

Also, texting and driving – don’t do it.
