Ever wonder how so many people can be present at a photo shoot, and no one thinks to say ‘hang on, this doesn’t feel right’?
Here’s your latest example, clothing retail giants H&M are being torn apart on social media after posting an advert on their website.
Quite how this slipped through the net is beyond me, but before we cover the backlash let’s see the ad itself:
Let’s get in a little closer:
Yes, that sweater does say “coolest monkey in the jungle”.
First up, the company apology via QZ, after New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow drew attention to the image:
“We sincerely apologize [sic] for offending people with this image of a printed hooded top. The image has been removed from all online channels and the product will not be for sale in the United States.”
That didn’t really hit the spot, and even The Weeknd called them out:
Some also pointed out that other sweaters in the range were problematic, too:
Yup, also not a good look at all.
It goes back to what I said at the beginning – how does every single person involved, in all of the steps that occur between taking the photo and publishing on the website, not see that this is going to erupt into a PR nightmare?
That, and it’s the kind of message that genuinely offends and hurts people.
I’m sure H&M will still continue to print money, but there’s no doubt that this will affect their bottom line going forward.