There are two kinds of people in this world – those who chatted about Bitcoin over Christmas and New Year’s, and those who didn’t.
Even if you didn’t chat about it, you probably overheard someone trying to explain it with limited success.
You don’t have to understand it all to play the game, because some apps make it really easy, but it never hurts to arm yourself with a little knowledge.
We’re not saying you should take notes, but you could sound rather studious if you remember some key phrases from the video below.
Business Insider spoke to Lex Sokolin, Autonomous Research’s director of fintech strategy, and here’s what he had to say:
And now you can play the role of expert, because you watched an 82-second video.
Something else that’s worth knowing, while you’re here: those in the know believe that once Wall Street employees get their bonuses the price of Bitcoin will skyrocket:
Meltem Demirors, director of the Digital Currency Group — an investment company which invests in currencies and crypto blockchain businesses — believes renewed momentum is on its way as Wall Street bonus season hits.
“If the bonuses of Wall Street on January 15 on the bank accounts countries, we will see a buying frenzy on the crypto market of epic proportions,” Demirors wrote on Twitter earlier this year…
“Young people have been watching from sidelines putting in a few thousand here, a few hundred there,” Demirors [said]. “Bonus season and tax rebates means cash a plenty to put into crypto.”
“Get ready for an explosion.”
You know what an impending explosion means, right? It means you should snap up some cryptocurrency now, if you have a little cash lying around.
Here at 2ov headquarters we’re using Luno, and it doesn’t really come any simpler. Open app, connect bank account, buy and sell both Bitcoin and Ethereum with a few taps of your finger.
Plus there’s the added bonus of annoying your co-workers with constant updates on how you’re edging closer to never working again, and you can’t put a price on that.
You can download the app and give it a bash HERE.