Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 21, 2018

Australian University’s Initiation Rituals Are Very, Very Messed Up

Australia's University of Newcastle is under fire after a video of their hazing practices came to light. That chap drinking out of a dog's bowl is just the tip.

Relax, you say, there’s nothing too hectic about being made to drink out of a dog’s bowl in public.

Cool, but what about drinking a beer poured down a man’s penis, and then slugging back some of your own vomit to wash that down?

Yeah, I’m not really big into that vibe.

Australia’s University of Newcastle, and in particular Evatt House, are under fire after videos of their “Lads’ Weekend” – an annual initiation weekend – made their way into the public eye.

NewsAU ran an exposé earlier this week shedding light on these practices, but we’ll start with that charming beer-drinking game. I know it’s still early in the morning, so a warning that it’s all pretty graphic:

The university college students are kneeling in the dirt. In front of them stand college men, their flies unzipped. A crowd of students — all male — gather around to watch the initiation ritual about to take place. Slowly each of the kneeling men will lean forward placing his lips tentatively against the base of the standing man’s penis.

The ritual is only half complete.

Next, a student in the crowd will open a beer and begin pouring it down the base of the standing man’s penis into the mouth of the kneeling student.

One student physically recoils after a member of the crowd tries to push his head onto the exposed penis.

Other men lean in and slurp the amber ale. Some of the men standing up have devised a kind of genital drinking cup: by pulling the skin of their pubic hair region forwards, they have formed a pouch of skin from which the kneeling student can directly suckle the alcohol from.

And just like that the word ‘suckle’ was ruined forever. Oh, and that above is performed in public during the day.

There’s a video of sorts, with the man bits all blurred out, over here if you can stomach it.

A few more rituals that came to light:

A degrading ritual where students wear dog collars and behave like dogs. One student wearing a dog collar is seen kneeling down and drinking water directly out of a dog bowl left outside a cafe.

Male students having their heads shaved in humiliating styles. Other students will then pour alcohol over the shaved portion of the man’s head while a third man slurps the alcohol from his scalp.

Students drinking off other unsanitary objects including the wheel of a wheelie bin, or out of their own shoes.

In pairs, students must consume 24 beers in the minimum amount of time. Students are provided with bins to throw up in. Those who vomit, must drink their own vomit to remain in the competition.

A college student leader yelling to the camera “someone stole my f**king phone, I’m looking at you c**t! If you stole my phone I’m going to f***ing rape you”.

Sexual pressure to hook up, including a group of students repeatedly chanting “hook-up, hook-up, hook-up, hook-up” at an embarrassed female student.

Students trashing the campus and destroying property.

A student who is so intoxicated that he cannot stand is held down as another male student pours more alcohol down his throat, while a third student pulls his pants down.

Boys will be boys, but this not a very good look. Some will say harmless fun, but tell that to the family of Timothy Piazza.

As the uproar in Oz grows, so have officials clamoured to speak out against practices like this. A spokesperson for the university claimed they have a zero tolerance approach to these antics, and the country’s Minister for Education and Training also condemned the actions.

Nothing wrong with a little light ribbing, but me thinks these chaps went a touch too far.
