Hey Donald, shithole country reporting for duty.
By now I’m sure you’re aware that Donnie D is rather dismissive of African countries (except Nambia – digs that place), but maybe what he needs to get rid of all that hate is a cleansing ritual.
Enter acclaimed Nigerian artist Jelili Atiku, who yesterday delivered the world premiere of his “Jangbala Jubu”, or “How to Explain History to American President”, performance.
Onlookers in the CBD weren’t too sure what to make of it all, but perhaps that’s because they didn’t know the backstory. Times LIVE below:
Atiku arrived in the US in January on a fellowship and two days into his stay‚ Trump’s comments were publicised.
“When you know what s**t means‚ when you say somebody comes from s**t‚ nobody wants to talk to the person. It is smelly. How can you compare a whole continent with a lot of civilisation to that‚” he asked after his performance.
“America was built by the black people through the slave trade‚ you are rubbishing all the pains that my ancestors went through‚” said Atiku.
He immediately knew that he had to incorporate it into a performance and on Tuesday‚ many long hours of conceptualisation and rehearsals played out on the sidewalk.
Cleanse that man, Jelili:
Did we really need that music playing over the top of the performance?
I would also have added some extra girth to Trump’s figure, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts.