Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Meghan’s Siblings Weren’t Invited And They’re Having A Meltdown

After realising they weren't invited to the wedding, Meghan Markle's family has lashed out,, and experts suggest it might not have been the best decision.


Long has it been known that the relationship between Meghan Markle and her siblings is more than a little strained.

So when the pair of siblings realised that they were not invited to the Royal wedding going down next month, neither of them held their tongue.

According to The Daily Beast, half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. gave an interview with the Daily Mirror “slamming his sister”:

Markle Jr., in an interview with the historically anti-royal Daily Mirror, said that Meghan’s refusal to invite them has “torn my entire family apart… Meg likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, a people’s person and a charitable person but she is none of those things to her family.

“She is giving the greatest ­performance of her life. She is acting phoney. Once she got into Hollywood she turned into a different person. She’s clearly forgotten her roots and her family.

“Maybe the normal American family she has is embarrassing to her because we’re not producers and executive producers.”

Of course, looking at Thomas’s history, his outburst isn’t that out of place. Remember how he spent his New Year’s Eve? Exactly.

Meanwhile, his sister, the ever-bitter Samantha Grant, is tweeting viciously:

Samantha posted this week, saying: “It’s time to ‘man up’ @HRHHenryWindsor. ‘Shout outs’ about humanitarianism, don’t work when you are allowing Meg to ignore the Markles. It is s [sic] contradiction.”

And those in the know – i.e. Christopher Andersen, author of best selling e-book Diana’s Boys, and royal biographer Penny Junor – argue that Meghan would have done better inviting the two, even if she can’t stand them:

“Meghan has been extremely cautious about not making a misstep, and she worries that her loose-cannon relatives will do something to ruin her standing in the eyes of her in-laws.

“One can’t blame her, but at the same she might have avoided all this negative publicity and incessant speculation by simply inviting them and letting the chips fall where they may.

“It’s doubtful her siblings would have gone to the press to complain if they’d simply been included.

“As for William and Kate, there were plenty of relatives and friends who had generated negative headlines in the past—William and Harry’s pal Guy Pelly, Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith, to name a few—but they were all invited and all behaved themselves.”

Junor concurred, telling The Daily Beast: “Maybe it would have been safer to have invited them. I think most people would be sympathetic. We all have ghastly relatives lurking somewhere.”

Then, there’s the case for media coverage: if the siblings had been invited, they wouldn’t be able to speak on the subject from studios or commentary boxes of TV channels.

After all, as the mob says, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
