Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Guns, Porn And Rape – New Chris Brown Allegations Are Quite Staggering

Chris Brown's name is in the news once again, and this time around it's because he has been named in a lawsuit involving brutal rape allegations.

Yup, looks like Chris Brown and R Kelly are in the same WhatsApp group.

A few weeks back we published the scandalous documentary, R Kelly: Sex, Girls & Videotapes, but if you’ve been following that man’s career over the years then there are only really a few bombshells.

The same is true for Chris Brown, because he nailed his true colours to the mast when he brutally beat Rihanna back in 2009.

Amazing how he gets a free pass on so many South African radio stations, though, as though that’s not at all problematic.

Now a new set of allegations involving Brown have emerged, and he has been named in a lawsuit filed on behalf of ‘Jane Doe’.

Here’s more from Rolling Stone, and all of this carries a trigger warning:

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of “Jane Doe” by lawyer Gloria Allred, claims that the “young woman” was raped several times at Brown’s home by Lowell Grissom [below], a rapper who performs under the names Young Lo and EverybodyKnowsLo.

“The lawsuit alleges that while she was at Brown’s house, plaintiff became the victim of horrific sexual assaults which are described in our lawsuit,” Allred said in a statement. “That is why we have filed this case today alleging sexual battery, gender violence, a violation of Ralph Civil Rights Act, battery, assault, interference with the exercise of civil rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence.”

Doe also alleges that another woman – named Doe X in the lawsuit as the plaintiff has yet to ascertain the woman’s name – physically forced Jane Doe into giving her oral sex.

Oh, and it’s also alleged that Doe X was menstruating at the time. When Jane Doe went to the bathroom to wash the blood off her face, the rapper struck again:

Plaintiff decided that for health reasons, she needed to wash herself immediately. Grissom entered the bathroom while Plaintiff was in the shower, and began to molest her. Plaintiff fled the bathroom, but Grissom pursued her, and pushed her down onto the bed and raped her.”

All of this is alleged to have occurred in February of last year, when Chris Brown hosted an afterparty at a recording studio.

Jane Doe alleges that her phone was confiscated as soon as she entered the studio, and her phone, along with that of her friend, was then taken back to Chris Brown’s house.

So how complicit was Chris Brown in all of these allegations? Well, here’s some food for thought:

“Once at Brown’s house, Brown and Grissom continued to refuse to give Plaintiff back her phone and did not allow Plaintiff to leave,” the lawsuit alleges. “At Brown’s house, Brown continued to furnish alcohol and illicit drugs to his guests and/or the guests consumed drugs that they carried onto the premises. Plaintiff believes that the drugs Brown provided to his guests or that were brought by his guests were or included cocaine, ‘Molly,’ and marijuana.” Jane Doe claimed she turned down a “clear pill filled with white powder” that Brown handed her. Doe also “observed Brown carrying one gun in his waistband and brandishing it openly.”

When Jane Doe showed reluctance to strip naked and perform sexual acts on Grissom, Doe X, according to the suit, “violently grabbed Plaintiff by the throat and forced Plaintiff to perform oral sex on Grissom.”

After Grissom finally gave Jane Doe back her phone, she says she called a ridesharing service. However, Doe claims that Grissom again raped her in a “laundry room” before she exited Brown’s residence. Upon leaving, Doe “went to a rape treatment center and to the police where she reported the aforementioned events.”

Chris Brown’s lawyer isn’t having it, and he says that the woman is after money, claiming that her lawyers seek a $17 million settlement.

PEOPLE reports:

“In another era, we might have called this a shakedown,” Geragos said of the lawsuit. “None of these allegations are true. Nobody has done anything with this… there’s no case here. Chris is a target.”

The LAPD were actually called to the house on the night on question, although Brown wasn’t too keen to let them in.

After police were called, Jane Doe says she grew intimidated by Brown. She alleges she saw him and Grissom with multiple guns inside the home, and claims Brown “ordered Grissom and others to hide a duffel bag filled with guns” while he denied police entry into his property…

Brown allegedly ordered Grissom to block the door leading out of the room with a couch while Doe X told the women gathered to take off their clothes.

Jane Doe says she refused to undress even as Brown allegedly began to play loud music “to cover up the sounds of any resistance.” She claims he also began to play pornography “loudly to create a hyper-sexualized environment in the sealed bedroom.”

A quick check at Grissom’s Instagram account shows that the rapper isn’t very popular at the moment:

Innocent until proven guilty, goes the rallying cry, but when you consider the kind of behaviour that Chris Brown has previously engaged in, over and over again, then you start to notice a pattern.

Would he allow, and actively participate, in such a brutal rape? Well, if the shoe fits…
