Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Have You Seen The R50 000 iPhone X They Sent To Elon Musk?

If you thought your iPhone came with all the extra frills, think again. These guys are using Elon as inspiration for their new design.

Take a deep breath and relax, because the iPhone X isn’t going to cost you and I a cool R50 000.

Then again, to Elon Musk R50 000 is peanuts, so I guess it’s all relative.

A Russian accessories maker called Caviar has just released what they call the iPhone X Tesla, which is a “customised iPhone X plated in carbon and gold with a built-in solar battery”.

They retail from around $4 000 (R51 000) and up, with this info from Business Insider SA:

…the Tesla device — named because of Elon Musk’s commitment to sustainable energy — is Caviar’s first with its own solar battery.

The Caviar iPhone X Tesla isn’t just a case — the iPhone X is included.

The Caviar iPhone X Tesla is equipped with a solar battery. The battery harnesses solar energy in order to charge up your phone.

Caviar says the battery can charge using either the sun or bright lamps. The device has a carbon base, a solar battery charge indicator, and a shock-resistant solar panel.

Caviar is even sending the first product to Elon Musk himself.

The phone is engraved with the phrase “Made on Earth by humans” — the same phrase Musk had printed on the circuit board of the Tesla Roadster he sent into space aboard SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket.

Caviar says it expects the iPhone X Tesla to be in the hands of “the astronauts, pioneers, people who make great discoveries on the edge of human capabilities.”

Yeah, those people and then also those with serious cash to burn.

Must be nice.

We checked in with South Africa’s largest independent Apple retailer, Digicape, to see what a regular iPhone X is retailing for.

We say regular, but of course it comes packed with all sorts of goodies. You can read about the range of features on the iPhone X here.

It’s also worth mentioning that Digicape offer a ‘Trade In and Trade Up‘ promotion, where you can trade in older Apple products for credit, thereby reducing the price on your new gadget.

Time to dig in that drawer and knock a zero off, right?

iPhone, iPads and Apple Watches can all be used for trade in.

Elon Musk might not bother saving himself the cash, but you’d be silly not to.
