Wednesday, February 19, 2025

May 25, 2018

John C. Reilly Gets Pretty Serious In Dark Comedy Western [Trailer]

The funnyman stars alongside Joaquin Phoenix in 'The Sisters Brothers', which has its fair sure of drama, dark humour, and gun-slinging action.

…If you liked Five Fingers for Marseilles, you’ll love this new Western that sees good ‘ol funnyman John C. Reilly punching the living hell out of Joaquin Phoenix.

Oh, it also sees their two characters getting up to some badass gun-slinging antics as well.

The first trailer for The Sisters Brothers has officially been released,. Directed by award-winning French filmmaker Jacques Audiard, it’s a dark comedy Western – with more emphasis on the dark, if the trailer is anything to go by.

This here’s the plot, according to IndieWire: set in 1851, the flick stars Phoenix and Reilly as a pair of sibling assassins who are tasked with travelling from Oregon City to San Francisco to murder a chemist (played by Riz Ahmed) who has stolen from their boss.

They team up with a prospector played by Jake Gyllenhaal – cue all the Brokeback Mountain jokes – but things don’t go according to plan when they find out what the chemist is really cooking.

*Insert dramatic music*

Here’s the trailer, for your viewing pleasure:

Admit it, you could watch Reilly punch Phoenix all day. Still a nasty klap, though.

And it seems like Gyllenhaal’s character takes a real shine to the chemist … I know, sorry, that undercover Brokeback Mountain joke was a bit of a fail.

Anyhoo, it’s not often that you see Reilly playing a serious role, and it looks like he and Phoenix make an oddly endearing pair of assassins.

The Sisters Brothers looks poised for a 2018 release in the US, though when it’ll hit South African shores has yet to be revealed.

In the meantime, keep that Reilly punch on repeat.
