The lava flow from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has caused a hectic amount of damage since the first eruption on May 3. According to a report by CNN, there seems to be no signs of the relentless flow stopping.
Thousands of people have had to evacuate their homes because of the lava, but brave onlookers are risking their lives by remaining behind to capture the chaos on video.
Resident Isaac Krakauer is one of these brave buggers. He was able to film this “river” of lava near his home in Hawaii’s Leilani Estates neighbourhood, which is being swallowed up by the lava, gardens and all.
Take a look at the scary footage he managed to capture before this house was engulfed:
Eish times a thousand.
And you’re right, Krakauer – this is insane.
According to him, the lava’s advancing at close to a metre per minute, which means that poor house was swallowed up very, very quickly.
Here’s a time-lapse of the lava flow wreaking havoc in its path at the neighbourhood in question:
Yikes. No person, house or garden is safe from that.
Let’s hope the lava flow slows down soon, before the whole island goes up in flames.