Wednesday, February 19, 2025

June 12, 2018

Instant Karma – Guy Throws Around Nazi Salutes, Bawls When Arrested [Video]

If you want to throw around a Nazi salute, you have to be prepared for the consequences. This little snowflake certainly wasn't.

You know those guys who are always telling people to “hold me back” when there’s a fight breaking out, but then you let go and they aren’t all that keen on actually getting involved?

That’s because they’re all bark and no bite, and you can add this British bawler to that list.

If you don’t know who Tommy Robinson is, then your life is better for it, but let’s just say he is a popular right-wing figure who is currently in jail for contempt of court and breaching the terms of his suspended sentence.

His supporters have been hitting the streets protesting for his release, and there has been no shortage of Nazi salutes on display.

For a dose of instant karma, here’s the Metro:

The embarrassing incident was filmed by other Tommy Robinson supporters – presumably with the intent of turning it into viral content in support of the jailed right-wing activist.

Nah, I don’t think it’s doing your cause any good.

Ready yourself for some tears:

What a complete and utter wanker.

Bonus – if you skip ahead to the 4:20 mark below, you can see a sign-wielding Tommy fan accidentally smash his mate in the pip:
