Millennials really do get slated these days, and we like to get in on that action from time to time.
Truth be told, it’s all in jest, because life is expensive and jobs pay peanuts and houses cost a fortune and so on and so forth.
The Millennial mindset is also leading to a shift in how businesses conduct themselves, particularly when it comes to their hiring strategies. One of the new buzz terms is ‘contingent workforce’, and that includes all the freelancers out there who are reading this from a coffee shop.
Buy a cup of coffee and use all the internet – you do you.
According to the latest findings by ManpowerGroup SA, the world’s leading workforce experts, a contingent workforce is defined as “a labour pool whose members are hired by an organisation on an on-demand basis”.
That includes the likes of independent contractors, consultants and freelancers, but let’s focus on Millennials for now.
Some info via Skills Portal:
…reports indicate that millennials value freelance flexibility with full-time stability. Globally, employers are increasingly offering flexible working arrangements as part of the employment experience, while globally, 8 out of 10 respondents believe demand for skills is driving a trend toward greater use of contingent workers.
According to the Statistics SA employment outlook, the number of permanent, full-time employees has fallen from 11 million to 9.1 million in the past decade. The statistics for temporary employment are not fully up to date, but so far the number has risen from 2.6 million to 3.9 million.
The ability to call on certain skillsets when needed suits businesses, and the freedom that comes with flexible working arrangements suits Millennials.
Win-win, but you need someone to connect the two:
“The contingent workforce is important in developing economies like South Africa, as there are many job seekers who cannot find permanent employment, and this can provide relief for them. Furthermore, the availability of contingent workers allows local businesses a flexible solution when they need it most. Having specific strategies in place around the use of the contingent workforce needs to become a priority – and quickly – for any business operating in today’s ever-evolving business environment,” explains ManpowerGroup South Africa’s managing director, Lyndy van den Barselaar.
She should know, because her company hasn’t risen to the top of the workforce game for nothing.
ManpowerGroup SA’s latest Employment Outlook Survey has just been released, looking at what employers have planned for the next few months.
If you’re after a permanent gig, looks like Durban is the place to go, with KwaZulu-Natal expected to increase its workforce by 11% in the third quarter of this year.
When compared with the second quarter of 2018, hiring prospects decline by 7% in Gauteng, and are 6% weaker in Western Cape.
Another bummer – seven out of 10 industries expect to hire fewer employees compared to the second quarter of this year.
All things considered, now is as good a time as any to have the big guns by your side. Whether you’re a big business who wants to connect with employees who suit the game you’re in, or a contingent worker (sounds fancy) wanting to make sure you’re front and centre when those needs arise – ManpowerGroup SA is your friend.
See that, Millennials – maybe you can have your smashed avo on toast and eat it.