Thursday, February 6, 2025

2OV Throwback Thursday – The ‘Come Dine With Me SA Drunk Mess’ Viral Video

In 2012, an episode of 'Come Dine With Me SA' aired that captured the nation's attention. A pissed up student is the star, but the entire show is a rollercoaster of emotion.

A few weeks back we thought we had hit the Come Dine With Me motherlode, when we featured a British man called Peter suffering a complete and utter meltdown.

Honestly, the last two minutes of this video makes for an incredible combination of trainwreck and twat, and we were ready to wrap up the Come Dine With Me action for our Throwback Thursday series.

We were wrong.

Cast your mind back to 2012, and the second season of South Africa’s version of the show, and you may recall an episode that is a complete mess right from the get-go.

There’s a then 21-year-old called Tamryn Calitz, who is on the sauce from the moment the show kicks off, and then there is also a nasty fallout between the two male contestants, which gets personal after a worm is planted in a meal.

No, I’m not talking bollocks. You might want to clear 52 minutes in your schedule, because this is one car crash that is difficult to look away from.

Tamryn is first out the gates, ‘cooking’ her meal, and it doesn’t get much better from there on out.

At the time, there was quite a bit of backlash when the episode aired, and Bizcommunity reached out to Tamryn.

This is grand:

Cricket star Herschelle Gibbs has backed a “naive” reality-show contestant and wannabe teacher who was lambasted for her drunken on-air antics and “ignorant” comments…

“Good value tonight. U played out of skin!! Had a royal laugh,” he tweeted.

He advised her to live life the way she wanted, adding that he had dealt with public opinion “all my life”…

Asked about Gibbs’s comments, Calitz lived up to her ditzy reputation, saying: “To be honest, I didn’t know who this was at first. I am not such a sports fan.

She responded to Herschelle via her Twitter account, @bieberstruckRSA, which hasn’t been used since 2014.

Yes, Bieber Struck RSA.

When asked about her drinking on the night she cooked, Tamryn said:

“People were just being malicious, telling me that I’m a lost cause, need rehab and that they would never let me teach their children.

“This is what upset me the most, because teaching is my passion. People don’t understand that I was nervous, so I did drink before my guests arrived to calm the nerves. [But] it made good TV.”

It sure did.

We did a little digging around on social media, and it appears Tamryn has indeed become a teacher. She’s probably keen to leave her Come Dine With Me experience behind, so you can do your own snooping.

Here’s another gem – Martin Evans, who was on the receiving end of the worm in the food scandal, wrote about the experience on his blog, Hell Pants.

It’s an in-depth account of the horrors he endured, but here are a few parts worth mentioning:

I suggested we use my Motorhome instead of my flat in Vredehoek and this was met with much joy.. This was my second mistake. I just sold my house in Shittyfontein and was back at the flat in Vredehoek. I had furniture and shit everywhere. So no chance were we doing it at my place…

There was a man on the show with me. I say man. He was anthropomorphically more a mix between a sea dwelling walrus and something that was found on Star Wars. Jabba the Hut I believe is what I called him. This obese muppet with a breathing condition put an actual worm in my starter…

A Cheat! A Vagabond! A douche’! You sir made a twat of yourself. His name will be forever remembered as a cheat. Enjoy your 15 minutes.

Poor Tamryn. I have nothing more to say here. She must appear as if she was a stooge. A plant. Surely she was paid money or something to cock her night up as she did. She wasn’t drunk. She appeared spiked. Like she administered her own Rohypnol.

Sadly it wasn’t Varsity RAG Week or a night at Tiger Tiger…

Things got way way waaaaay worse behind the scenes. The film crew had to lock up her flat for her. I salute you Tamryn. You looked at this and just said “Fuck it. Im young and going to enjoy it” Good luck…

Martin does say that he is a big fan of Debbie’s (she also has a blog – here), and he was glad she won.

I suppose anyone but Hebrew, right? Even if Debbie tweets her support for Donald Trump these days. Gross.

Speaking of Hebrew Godden – it appears he started a Twitter account, uploaded an image of himself, retweeted once and then moved on.

A quick scouring of LinkedIn reveals that he is still employed as a maths and science teacher.

Judging from the relatively tame nature of latter South African seasons of Come Dine With Me, the producers have clearly learnt a lesson or two.

We’ll always have Season 2, Episode 6 though. Tamryn, wherever you are, we raise a bottle to the sky in your honour.
