Its been a rough couple of weeks for America’s toddler-in-chief, as the FBI continues to investigate whether or not he colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.
You know you’re clutching at straws, though, when you feel the need to compare him to former SA president Nelson Mandela.
No, I’m not kidding.
Times LIVE reports:
Carter Page, a former advisor to the Trump campaign, who is currently under investigation by the FBI on whether he colluded with Russia to undermine the 2016 US presidential election, has likened the Russia-Trump investigation to what former South African President Nelson Mandela went through during apartheid
Prepare to have your jaw hit the ground:
This dude, Carter Page (a Trump former campaign manager), reckons @realDonaldTrump is many ways like Mandela. Watch the interviewer’s expression
— Maggs Naidu (@maggsnaidu) August 5, 2018
Not sure how the interviewer managed to hold it together.
So now, a distorted sense of reality, an inflated sense of entitlement, and bad hair make you eligible to fall into the same category as a struggle hero, and the first democratically elected president of South Africa.
I think I speak for all South Africans when I say stay the hell away from our country and its history.
Also, FYI Donnie, unlike you, Nelson Mandela did actually win the popular vote.