Friday, February 14, 2025

August 21, 2018

Trump Fighting War Vets Over ‘Apocalypse Now’ Movie Sums Him Up Perfectly

'Apocalypse Now' remains one of the Vietnam War's most iconic movies, so you'd imagine that war veterans have seen it a few times. Enter Donald.

We already know that Donald Trump doesn’t read books, but now it appears he isn’t very good at watching movies, either.

Or, for that matter, at being a decent human being, which can be perfectly summed up by that time he met with the leadership of various veterans organisations at the White House in March of 2017.

During the meeting, Rick Weidman, co-founder of Vietnam Veterans of America, told Trump about how the number of Vietnam veterans who suffer from medical conditions caused by their exposure to Agent Orange (“a notorious herbicidal weapon used by the U.S. during that war”) is far higher than the US government realises.

This means many who suffered from exposure are unable to access the health benefits they should be entitled to.

Enter Cadet Bone Spurs, who dodged the draft numerous times and called STDs his own personal Vietnam, with this via the NY Mag:

Trump replied, “That’s taken care of,” according to multiple attendees…

The veterans were perplexed — they had just explained to the president that the issue was not, in fact, taken care of. When Weidman and his allies tried to reiterate their concerns, the president interrupted to ask whether Agent Orange was “that stuff from that movie.”

The president did not specify what film he was referencing. But as the commander-in-chief continued rambling, it became clear that he was thinking of the helicopter attack scene from Apocalypse Now. Multiple Vietnam veterans informed the president that the chemical agent used in that scene was napalm, not Agent Orange.

At this point, Trump realised he had a mistake, apologised, and decided to listen to the concerns of those who had risked their lives to serve the American people.

Jokes, no he didn’t:

Trump refused to accept that he was mistaken and proceeded to say things like, “no, I think it’s that stuff from that movie.”

He then went around the room polling attendees about if it was, in fact, napalm or Agent Orange in the famous scene from “that movie,” as the gathering—organized [sic] to focus on important, sometimes life-or-death issues for veterans—descended into a pointless debate over Apocalypse Now that the president simply would not concede, despite all the available evidence.

Finally, Trump made eye contact again with Weidman and asked him if it was napalm or Agent Orange. The VVA co-founder assured Trump, as did several before him, that it was in fact napalm, and said that he didn’t like the Coppola film and believed it to be a disservice to Vietnam War veterans.

According to two people in attendance, Trump then flippantly replied to the Vietnam vet, “Well, I think you just didn’t like the movie,” before finally moving on.

This is the man who has the Evangelical vote, despite having cheated on every one of his wives and paying to silence women, and also constantly talks up his love for the troops.

What kind of a person attends a meeting with war veterans, and then starts an argument with them over a movie?

The same person who calls Mexicans “rapists”, women “dogs”, and so on and so on.
