Despite dodging paying taxes in South Africa, and their sketchy privacy issues, Google has its moments where they’re actually likeable.
The new add-on that lets you know if your password has been hacked is one of those moments.
Then there’s this, which is pretty much the best thing ever. They created a tiny car with a Street View camera to take us on a tour of the “Miniatur Wunderland”, one of the world’s largest model cities/ railways.
According to Business Insider, the “Miniatur Wunderland” exhibition is located in Hamburg, Germany.
Take a tour of the incredible model city, complete with railway, concert venue and amusement park, here:
The interesting thing is that the tiny Street View car couldn’t actually film anything, but was followed by a fleet of mini camera-mounted devices that cruised the streets.
Miniatur Wunderland represents some iconic locations right around the globe, and also features an Oktoberfest celebration 200 000 tiny hand-painted citizens.
It makes me happy just knowing it exists.