Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trevor Noah Can’t Handle Trump Blaming Obama For The White House Temperature [Video]

Donald loves to play the blame game, with Barack Obama an easy punching bag. Surely he can't be serious about the White House aircon, though?

It was a busy weekend of banging out hateful tweets for Donald Trump.

Then again, isn’t it always?

Just yesterday, he retweeted a Twitter conspiracy account that recently pushed the idea that Bill and Hilary Clinton tortured and murdered children so that they could get their pineal glands.

Quick lesson – the pineal gland produces melatonin, which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles.

Anyway, back to Trevor Noah’s rather astounding dissection of Trump’s recent beefs, which include fighting with France about the quality of their wines and blaming Barack Obama for the White House’s temperature.

For real. Looks like aircon politics even affects the most powerful office of all.

You can find the air-conditioning jab at the 1:30 mark, but it’s worth watching the entire segment:

Thanks for the crummy aircon, Obama!

Should have called the pros.
