Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Brutal – Trevor Noah’s List Of Trump’s Finest Brain Farts [Video]

You may want to settle in, because any list of Trump's gaffes is going to be a lengthy one. It's quite something to see them strung together like this.

Settle in, because any list of Trump’s gaffes is doomed to be a long one.

Trevor Noah is clearly killing it over in the US, having raked in a massive $28 million (around R430 million) between June 2018 and June 2019, and part of that haul comes from hosting The Daily Show.

Naturally, Trump is often the butt of the joke, but Trevor’s latest compilation really is one for the ages.

It’s called ‘Donsplaining’, which is like ‘mansplaining’ by a bloke who is a complete and utter buffoon.

This quick summary from Huff Post:

The “Donsplaining” supercut features clips from the Comedy Central program in which host Noah dissects Trump’s gaffes on issues varying from the law, the grounding of airplanes, windmills, 5G and his vow to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

You might have seen many of these individual gaffes over the last few years, but when they’re strung together, it’s quite something to behold.

Bring on the ‘Donsplaining’:

Sadly, during the 21 minutes you spent watching that, Donald probably tweeted out something idiotic to add to the list.
