Friday, February 7, 2025

December 6, 2019

It’s Been A While Since Zapiro Went After Fikile Mbalula [Image]

Our current Minister of Transport has been running his mouth (as per usual) this week, which has clearly irked Zapiro.

For as long as he remains in government, Fikile Mbalula should be laughed out of every room he walks into.

I would be OK with Zapiro lampooning our woefully inept current Minister of Transport each and every week, but this country’s leading satirist has his hands full with the likes of Eskom, Helen Zille, and the EFF.

He’s received many awards over the years, and one thing Zapiro can never complain about is a lack of source material.

His latest salvo goes hard at Mbalula, one time ‘Mr Fear Fokol’ (he changed his Twitter name to that hot mess during his failed stint as Minister of Police), and current ‘Mr Fix’.

If you’ve ever ridden a train in this country, or waited around at the station until the burning remains of one pulled in, you’ll know that nothing has been fixed.

In the past week, Mbalula has come under fire after Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) was given a disclaimed audit opinion for the 2018/19 financial year.

The man behind that audit, Auditor-general Kimi Makwetul, also went to town on how Prasa lost of billions of rands in its controversial procurement of locomotives, which weren’t even usable on our rail networks.

As you may have figured out, that deal was rife with corruption at many levels.

This prompted Mr Fix to go down a familiar route – all talk, no action.

In his Daily Maverick cartoon, Zapiro took aim:

Operation Hot Air – on repeat, in every department he has mismanaged.

Perhaps the most cringeworthy part of it all is the self-proclaimed Mr Razzmatazz’s Twitter account.

This, from yesterday:

Imagine what goes on upstairs in the moments before you send that tweet?

I suppose it beats those arguments he’s so fond of getting into, with Derek Hanekom a favourite target.

Ultimately, I don’t think South Africans care what their elected officials get up to when they’re off the clock, as long as they’re doing their job properly.

That hasn’t been the case with this clown for years. Keep the hits coming, Zapiro.
