It’s back, back, back again, folks.
Load shedding is upon us.
According to EskomSePush – the most useful app on my phone at the moment – we’re currently in the midst of ‘stage two’.
Nothing says romance like a forced candlelit dinner of crisps because you don’t have a gas stove or a braai.
We should have seen this coming – the experts reckon we’re in it for the long haul – but we live in hope, and after two glorious weeks of electricity, things were looking up.
If there’s one thing that South Africans are good at, though, it’s finding the humour in a dire situation.
A video has been doing the rounds that pokes fun at Eskom, and its seemingly bizarre load shedding schedule.
Actor and comedian, Oliver Booth shared the video which was made by comedy collective Panther Punch. It was filmed and edited by Declan Manca and stars Oliver, Lara Toselli and Glen Biderman-Pam.
Check it out:
“If you aren’t working remotely are you even remotely working” – peak Cape Town.
We also love an old-school Carte Blanche take-down, which is parodied to perfection above.
Thanks for bringing the laughs, guys.
We need it.