Friday, February 7, 2025

The Priciest Items From The EFF’s Online Store

Tired of your current beanie, or beret, or looking to add a dash of red to your wardrobe? You're in luck, because the EFF has just launched its online store.

[imagesource: Twitter / Floyd Shivambu]

Tired of your current beanie, or beret, or looking to add a dash of red to your wardrobe?

You’re in luck, because the EFF has just launched its online store, and it looks like there’s something for everyone.

According to TimesLIVE, those who are feeling the pinch can purchase an EFF beanie, a beret, or a doek, which are all priced under R100.

On the other side of the spectrum, boot sneakers (unisex) are selling for R1 500, with a long jacket coming in at R1 000, and a trackie retailing for R950.

More from that TimesLIVE report:

A statement issued by the party said the EFF merchandise store “is the first of its kind in the political arena” and is a “sophisticated and easy to use system that allows EFF members, supporters and followers to purchase EFF regalia through an online system and have the merchandise delivered right at their doorstep”.

EFF leader Julius Malema and second-in-command Floyd Shivambu have promoted the online store on social media.

Treasurer general Omphile Maotwe stated that the online store will “push the revolution through technology”.

I guess now that the VBS Bank coffers have run dry, other ways to fund Malema and Shivambu’s lavish lifestyles must be explored.

Here’s the latter punting the store via his Twitter account:

For those wondering, ‘Aluta Continua’ doesn’t mean ‘let the looting continue’, but rather ‘the struggle continues’.

Juju seems to have the ‘hand under the chin’ model pose down:

Curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to see if the EFF sold pyjamas, which is basically all I wear at present, so I decided to visit

When I clicked on ‘Online Store‘ in the top right, I was greeted by this:

Oh dear – perhaps the demand is just too great, or is this like that time the ANC never paid its bills with the service provider?

UPDATE: The EFF Online Store is now up and running. Go on, look around – you know you’re curious.

If you’re desperate for ANC political regalia, there’s always, which has a wide range of goodies available:

You could also wait until the next national or provincial election, when, instead of building toilets or houses, the party hands out t-shirts like candy.
