Dismemberment Killing Of Tech C.E.O. ‘Looks Like Professional Job’ – Fahim Saleh, 33, was followed into his luxury Manhattan condo by a man dressed all in black, the official said. [nyt]
Ramaphosa: Lives Are More Important Than Completing Academic Year – As the education department continues talks with unions demanding the closure of schools, President Cyril Ramaphosa has called for consensus as his government continues to evaluate how it can save lives during the coronavirus pandemic. [dmav]
Biden, Billionaires And Corporate Accounts Targeted In Twitter Hack – The high-profile accounts posted about bitcoin deals in a major security breach. [washpo]
Emmanuel Macron Accosted By Gilets Jaunes As He Takes Bastille Day Walk – Call for increased security as French president tells demonstrators ‘be cool’. [guardian]
Dow Jumps Over 200 Points After Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine News – The market opened sharply higher on Wednesday as stocks got a boost from positive coronavirus vaccine news and blowout second-quarter earnings from Goldman Sachs. [forbes]
How New Zealand Became An Apocalypse Escape Destination For Americans – In Queenstown — a picturesque ski spot that often attracts comparisons to Aspen, Colorado — rumors about foreigners investing in apocalypse-proof bunkers have been swirling for years. [cnn]
A Message For President Donald Trump From His Niece: ‘Resign’ – In exclusive, Mary Trump said it’s “dangerous” for her uncle to lead the US. [abc]
Apple Wins Appeal Against EU’s $14.9 Billion Tax Bill – The iPhone-maker was ordered to pay billions in back taxes in 2016. [verge]
The Great Gatsby Prequel Set For Release Days After Copyright Expires -Michael Farris Smith’s book Nick will tell story of Nick Carraway’s life before meeting the millionaire of F Scott Fitzgerald’s novel. [guardian]
Mysterious ‘Dirty Dancing’ Lake Is Filling Up With Water 12 Years After It Dried Up – In 2008, Mountain Lake, made famous by the 1987 film “Dirty Dancing,” dried up and remained that way for over a decade. But this summer, it’s starting to fill back up, astonishing both locals and visitors. [cnn]
Suntory Explores Protective Headgear For Drinking – According to a report by the Financial Times, Suntory’s chief executive, Takeshi Niinami, tasked a group of employees with creating prototypes for a face covering which will not detract from the experience of a night out. [dbiz]
Booze Bans And Sailors – Why Coffee Is Called ‘A Cup Of Joe’ – Who was the Joe in ‘a cup of Joe’? Enquiring minds want answers, so we did some digging. [here]
Matt Damon’s New Luxury Real Estate Purchase Is Hard To Miss – The actor reportedly shut down a Brooklyn Heights street on Tuesday, while other members of the 1 percent have been quieter about their dealings. [vanfair]
Channel24 Chats To SA’s Very First Bachelorette Qiniso Van Damme – We caught up with Qiniso Van Damme to talk love and the importance of having a brown girl’s story be something revered as she takes on the role of SA’s first bachelorette. [n24]
Brad Pitt’s Relationship With Son Maddox, 18, ‘Continues To Be Nonexistent’... – Amid reports his divorce from Angelina Jolie has ‘slowed down’ [dm]
Australians Haven’t Been Using This Much Coke Since 2001 – A new report finds almost one in 20 Australians are regularly doing lines. [vice]
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