There is a situation every student has to face at least once. It’s about the case when you procrastinate or have so many tasks that you don’t get to start writing a huge assignment before it’s too late. So, it’s better to hire a native writer on EssayHub essay service from the beginning if you feel that you don’t have realistic chances of completing that essay yourself. However, college life is full of other unpleasant surprises.
Your first year in college is going to be both fun and stressful. Surveys show that more than one-third of students who get college admission drop out before the end of their freshman year.
Your first year in college is going to be both fun and stressful. Surveys show that more than one-third of students who get college admission drop out before the end of their freshman year.
The reasons vary, with the most common being pressure from assignments and financial problems. We assure you that you are going to experience things during your freshman year that you have never encountered before.
You will get opportunities to interact with different people, make new friendships, and establish relationships to last a lifetime. Challenges will also abound, and you will need to work on your life skills to thrive. In this article, we provide useful insights on how students can thrive during this first year and set foundations for overall academic success.
- Learn to Balance Your Academic and Social Life
One of the most challenging things for college students is balancing the new demands of their academic lives and their social obligations. Many come to college expecting a fun-filled life, characterized by endless parties and fun. If you are not careful, your social life will likely interfere with your study time. You must try to stay on track by prioritizing your academics. Failure to do this will mean that your grades will suffer. Always remember that the main reason you are in college is to study.
Dedicate study time and follow your schedule. Try not to miss classes and always complete assignments on time. Don’t be afraid to seek professional essay writing services if you are overwhelmed with assignments. Of course, you will also need to create time for fun and socializing. After all, the friend you meet during your time in college could be the networks you need for career progression later in life.
- Study Patiently and Monitor Your Grades
Whichever way you choose to look at it, your grades are the most important thing you can focus on when in college. Pay attention to them and don’t wait until the final semester to start building an academic. Also, make sure to back up your files, particularly the ones that contain important documents. You don’t want to lose a research paper you have been working on for days just because you spilt coffee on your laptop.
- Eat Healthily
Your health is going to be very important if you are to thrive in college. Over the recent past, the cases of overweight and obesity among college students have been on a steady incline, pointing towards a serious problem in institutions of higher learning. One reason why students are gaining too much weight and being exposed to a host of diseases is improper diet. Many students prefer to order takeout and junk food. Eating unhealthy food can result in complications like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.
We understand that being a college student with limited finances, creating a budget for healthy food can be a challenge. However, there are ways you can plan your meals to ensure that you get balanced food without compromising your budget. Plan meals ahead of time and always include fruits and vegetables in what you eat. Also, avoid junk food and fizzy drinks.
- Manage Your Finances
You cannot survive your freshman year in college if you don’t develop financial discipline. We understand that, for some students, this is the first time being in charge of finances. If you have limited sources of income, you need to learn how to use what you have to enjoy the best experience. This requires budgeting. Consider your sources of income and note down all the money you are expecting. After that, create a list of your projected expenses and prioritize accordingly. Allocate funds to items according to level of importance. If possible, create a financial provision for fun.
- Work on Your Time Management Skills
With so much work to do within a limited time, there may be times when you`ll feel overwhelmed as a college student. We understand that with the newfound freedom of planning your own schedule, comes the responsibility of making sure that everything is done right. You will need to make sure that your assignments are completed on time without procrastination. There will also be exams to study for as well as extracurriculars to participate in.
You need to work on your time management skills. Plan ahead and create a schedule that considers all important tasks. Identify time-wasters and eliminate distractions, particularly during study time. You should also create a checklist that prioritizes tasks according to their urgency and level of importance.
Students struggle during their first year in college because of various challenges and responsibilities. Check what you eat, maintain physical activity, keep your room clean, and take care of your mental health needs.