Sunday, February 9, 2025

Jacob Zuma Has Been Sentenced To 15 Months In Prison

Jacob Zuma has been found guilty of contempt of court, and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment by the Constitutional Court.

[imagesource: Rogan Ward / AFP]

Jacob Zuma has been found guilty of contempt of court, and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment by the Constitutional Court.

The sentence was handed down this morning, and is due to Zuma’s failure to comply with a ConCourt order to honour a summons to appear before the State Capture Commission.

Justice Sisi Khampepe said that “the only appropriate sanction is a direct unsuspended order of imprisonment”.

The court added that it would be “futile” to give Zuma a suspended sentence.

In response to the summons ordering that he appear before the State Capture Commission, Zuma wrote to chief justice Mogoeng Mogoeng saying he would not participate as a conscientious objection.

Those MKMVA vets outside Nkandla are bound to get plenty of airtime in the coming days.

News24’s live reporting includes the following from Qaanitah Hunter:

Former president Jacob Zuma has repeatedly said he is not afraid of going to jail. Now the apex court has sentenced him to 15 months imprisonment. Justice Khampepe says Zuma’s conduct “smacks of malice”.

This is the court making a bold statement that the rule of law is supreme even for a former president.

How good does this sound?

Wow, this could really be happening, although I will refrain from popping bottles until he’s actually behind bars.

I can’t help but feel we’re going to hear something about ‘medical parole’  in the near future.

One thing is for sure – the next five days are going to a very wild ride.

This from one of his daughters:

You can keep up to speed with the latest developments via News24’s live feed here.
