Thursday, February 6, 2025

Dieticians Recommend Adding These Five Things To Your Coffee

If you're after something a little different in your morning cuppa, with the bonus of a flavour boost, here are some additions to consider.


Some people like their coffee straight up, nothing added.

To that, I say fair enough, but there’s a multitude of things you can add to your morning cuppa if you want to spice (or sweeten) things up.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember, as per Eating Well, is that you have to hydrate with water before drinking coffee in the morning.

Dieticians agree that coffee should not be the absolute first thing to hit your stomach in the morning, since you essentially dehydrated yourself for up to eight hours while you sleep.

California-based dietitian Ashley Reaver has a handy piece of advice to ensure you hydrate before your caffeine kick – simply fill your coffee mug with water before bed so that you’re forced to drink it before the coffee goes in.

Simple, really.

Let’s move on to some of the good stuff you can add to your coffee:

1. Add ¼ cup whole milk or oat milk

If you ask dietitian Rachel Fine, she’ll say that full-cream milk is actually the best mixer for your daily cup:

“A splash of whole milk proves to me that we can enjoy the ‘real deal’ and benefit physically, mentally and emotionally from it,” Fine says, since it doesn’t make her feel like she’s restricting or choosing the “diet culture”-promoted option she doesn’t truly love.

Your body benefits from the fats in full-cream milk because it contains vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Another excellent and good fat option is oat milk, especially for those who would rather be dairy-free.

2. Add ½ cup protein shake or one scoop of protein powder

We’ve heard this one already with TikTok’s “proffee” movement, combining protein powder and the morning brew.

The protein can help you feel fuller for longer, which is good because “when we feel satisfied, we’re less likely to struggle with overwhelming cravings and obsessive thoughts around food.”

But the main thing is to make sure that both ingredients come from trustworthy labels, which walk the talk when it comes to being “organic” and “fair trade”.

3. One teaspoon of sugar is fine

Fine says there’s a misconception about sugar in our culture, and that a little can actually go a long way to enhance flavour without doing too much damage.

A bit of something sweet, like a teaspoon of sugar or honey, can balance out the bitterness in coffee and is also approved by dieticians.

However, sweeteners aren’t a great alternative because they “can cause stomach discomfort, gas, bloat[ing] and pain”.

The key, as it is for most things, is just moderation.

If you’re after a sweeter kick with your coffee now and again, flavours like English Toffee can tick the boxes without having to toss in sugar.

4. Add one teaspoon cocoa powder

Finally, the mention of chocolate.

Whether you enjoy it added to hot or iced coffee, you can rest easy knowing that this antioxidant-rich mix-in can help lower your stress levels.

But, you’ll need a powder that’s 100% cacao and unsweetened for maximum health benefits.

Or, you could opt for a fuss-free option like Terbodore’s Dutch Chocolate Coffee, which adds chocolate flavouring to a medium roasted coffee for a full flavour experience.

5. Add one teaspoon cinnamon

Another antioxidant-rich ingredient to crank up your coffee and add a “warm, pumpkin spice latte-like note” is sprinkling or stirring in a small spoon of cinnamon.

Congrats, you’re now part of the Pumpkin Spice Latte meme movement, and you didn’t even have to brave a Starbucks to get it.

Better still, order your goodies directly from Terbodore and get your coffee delivered to your door.
