Sunday, February 9, 2025

Strange Purchases From Amazon’s ‘Deep, Dark Rabbit Hole’

When close to 200 million people around the world visit your online store each month, you can get away with selling some nonsensical rubbish willy-nilly.

[imagesource: Amazon / Reddit / Bored Panda]

When close to 200 million people around the world visit your online store each month, you can get away with selling some nonsensical rubbish willy-nilly.

As the leader in online retail, Amazon can get away with selling just about anything at all, and still outshine its e-commerce competitors.

In fact, a part of me wonders if the odd products found on the mega-retailer and then shared via a Reddit group called ‘The deep, dark rabbit hole of Amazon‘ isn’t bad press, but rather a backhanded way to advertise and make more dosh.

Bored Panda explored the online group “dedicated to finding the most bizarre and unexpected products, reviews, and comments that tend to fly under the radar” on Amazon, and put together a list.

Come along as we have a look at some of the truly OTT items on sale. Something tells me the bots are at play.

Introducing the best most disappointing mug ever:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

And this “heart-shaped” bicycle safety light for all your sweet summer rides:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

Along with this sale for “10000 pairs of earrings” where nobody knows what the hell is happening:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

Hey, you never know, there might come a day when you will need 55 gallons of lube:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

If you didn’t get a free one as a kid, here’s your chance to buy your own imaginary friend for $9,99, plus shipping:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

Yes, there is a way to get these things delivered to your door without the hassle of customs. More on that later.

Here’s something for when your human-sized hands are no longer enough for your cat:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

Level up, don’t be scared:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

Lastly, for now, there’s this, but we will need the story that ends with you needing a pair of wet underwear:

Image: Amazon / Reddit / Boredpanda

On the off chance that one of these fun and heinous items has tickled your fancy – no judgment, #lubelife – and you are disappointed to find that Amazon does not ship to your address here in South Africa, fear not.

Postbox Courier will provide you with an overseas shipping address before sending the goods to your address at home:

The age-old saying very much applies when buying stuff off the internet: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

If it is too strange to be true, well, you’ll have to see for yourself.

Just don’t forget to nab that international address via Postbox Courier.
