Saturday, January 25, 2025

April 12, 2023

Sarah Paulsen Gave Her Acting Money To Pedro Pascal So “He Could Feed Himself”

Pascal really has been everybody's goue holletjie these days.


She can play a hella creepy nurse on TV, but it appears as if Sarah Paulsen is a nice friend to have.

Nurse Rached recently spoke about her journey as an actor to Esquire and naturally had to mention her three-decades-long friendship with TV’s new favourite Chilean, Pedro Pascal.

As Sarah was crafting a career for herself in the 2000s, Pedro was still struggling to break into the very white American world of television and film, and as most struggling actors know, things can get a bit desperate.

Luckily for the star of Last of Us, his good friend Sarah was there to financially help him by giving him part of her acting money so that he could at least buy some choclo.

“He’s talked about this publicly, but there were times when I would give him my per diem from a job I was working on so that he could have money to feed himself.”

Paulsen stated in a Variety article that she is overjoyed that “everybody wants a piece” of her bestie these days. Pascal however acknowledges that it was touch-and-go for a while.

“I died so many deaths. My vision of it was that if I didn’t have some major exposure by the time I was 29 years old, it was over, so I was constantly readjusting what it meant to commit my life to this profession.”

Pascal really has been everybody’s baby girl these days and even if you get tired of all the Tinseltown ass-kissing, you can’t deny that he is both a good actor and a nice guy.

[image: Twitter/deadlinehollywood]
Paulsen agrees and says that Pascal is ready to take over from the likes of Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis as the new major movie star.

“Let’s remake ‘Die Hard’ with Pedro. Remake all the ‘Lethal Weapon’ movies with Pedro.”

Okay, hold your horses a bit Sarah. There will only ever be one Lethal Weapon star, even if he “is getting too old for this shit.” As for Die Hard, I personally would love to hear Pedro say “Yipikayay Chingada madre!”

Regardless, Sarah is a peach for taking care of her friends. And Pedro is just the bee’s knees. At least until Steven Yeun gets his Emmy for Beef.

But we’ll get to that soon enough. Watch this space.
