Thursday, February 20, 2025

April 17, 2023

Four Church Members Starve To Death After Being Told ‘Their Work On Earth Was Done’

Surely there is a special place in hell for those who use people's beliefs to harm them. 


It was bad news for the 15 members of the Good News International Church in Kenya when three of the members tragically died after starving themselves at the behest of a ‘radicalised member’ who told them that their ‘work on Earth was done’, and that it was possible to meet their creator if they starve to death.

In another bizarre case of worshippers being misled, the deadly fasting was blamed on a church member who was arrested last month in connection with the death of two boys.

The monster church member, named Makenzie Nthenge, had in that instance convinced the parents of the boys to starve and suffocate the children.

Nthenge had been released from detention following the boys’ death, but it was not confirmed if he had been rearrested following the starvation deaths. Nthenge has claimed throughout that he was the target of ‘hostile propaganda’ by previous church leadership.

Police asked the judge to detain Nthenge because he could be in danger himself for “having caused many people to lose their lives with (the) pretence that they were going to heaven (if) they die through starvation.”

I don’t know about heaven, but surely there is a special place in hell for those who use people’s beliefs to harm them, even if not directly.

The remaining emaciated survivors were taken to hospital for treatment where they remain in critical condition.

South Africa has no shortage of its own charlatan preachers that twist religious teachings for their own benefit, or maybe even just for amusement. In recent years we have seen preachers urging people to eat grass, get sprayed with Doom, and even a gasbag that farts in congregants’ faces to bring them closer to God and cure ails.

We’re not religious scholars, but we doubt there is any mention in the Bible of farting in people’s faces or huffing Doom.

Watch the below video that deals with some of these ‘preachers’ that are everything J.C. was against.

Let’s not forget this Lazarus conman:

People come to church for hope and peace, not humiliation and death.
