Wednesday, February 19, 2025

May 12, 2023

YouTuber Admits To Crashing Plane For Views [Video]

The 29-year-old dumbass acknowledged that the entire fiasco was part of a product sponsorship deal.


With an estimated 800 million videos on YouTube, creators are forced to unleash their inner idiots to attract views, but this guy is next level.

A YouTuber named Trevor Jacob intentionally crashed an aeroplane for views, and will now be pleading guilty to obstructing a federal investigation by cleaning up the site of the crash.

We haven’t facepalmed ourselves in a while have we? Please do so now, we’ll wait.

The 29-year-old dumbass uploaded the video to YouTube in December 2021, and at the time made it out as if the crash was an accident. But in his plea agreement, he acknowledged that the entire fiasco was part of a product sponsorship deal.

The product must be for some Vaseline as Jacob now faces the possibility of spending 20 years in prison after being charged with a felony count of destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

“He did not intend to reach his destination, but instead planned to eject from his aircraft during the flight and video himself parachuting to the ground and his airplane as it descended and crashed.”

And all of that for a measly 2,9 million views, while he still only has 138 000 subscribers.

Jacob left the Santa Barbara airport on November 2021 with no intention of landing his plane according to prosecutors, instead, he had a parachute and selfie stick with him and fitted the aeroplane with various cameras.

Faking ‘engine trouble’ while in the air, he jumped out of the plane in a ‘dramatic’ escape and filmed himself and the plane going down. The aircraft crashed into the Los Padres National Forest 35 minutes after takeoff.

Jacobs then hiked to the wreckage to retrieve the footage of his ‘miracle escape’.

He later returned by helicopter and removed the wreckage, which was destroyed. Some YouTube viewers were sceptical from the start, noting that he was already wearing a parachute and made no attempt to land the plane safely. The selfie stick should also be a dead giveaway.

The view-starved YouTuber is expected to make his initial court appearance in the coming weeks, but luckily for everyone on the ground and in the air, his pilot’s license was revoked last year. What a turd.

Check out the video of his stunt below.
