Wednesday, February 19, 2025

May 17, 2023

Two More Victims Of The Pompeii Eruption Discovered After Almost 2 000 Years [Video]

The Mount Vesuvius eruption that buried Pompeii under a blanket of hot ash in 79 AD has always held a morbid fascination for historians.
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius; lava covering dwellings. Gouache painting by Mauton, 1834. Created 1834. Volcanic eruptions. Vesuvius (Italy). Contributors: Mauton, painter in Naples. Work ID: a9mp48ft.


Archaeologists have discovered the remains of another two victims of the infamous Pompeii eruption that destroyed the city nearly 2 000 years ago.

The two skeletons, believed to be men at least 55 years old, were found in the Casti Amanti, or House of Chaste Lovers, beneath a wall that collapsed before the area was covered in volcanic material.

The Mount Vesuvius eruption that buried Pompeii under a blanket of hot ash in 79 AD has always held a morbid fascination for historians. More than 1 300 victims have been found in the archaeological site south of Naples over the last 250 years.

One of the skeletons was found with a raised arm, likely to protect himself from the falling wall.

The positions of bodies found in Pompeii have always given archaeologists a clear indication of the victim’s last acts as the hot gases and ash overtook the city with such speed that most residents died almost instantly.

It’s these ‘last acts’ that have lent an air of romantic tragedy to the disaster that completely wiped out a city. Many bodies have been uncovered over the years that show couples embracing in their last moments, or parents holding their children as death raced down the mountain.

Excavations from Pompeii, which was buried under volcanic ash for centuries, started in 1748 — the same century that the ruins were discovered.

Have a look at the latest eerie discovery below.


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