You’ll Enjoy Watching Trevor Noah Lay Into Boris Johnson [Video]

Despite a lifetime full of well-documented follies, Boris Johnson may well the UK’s next prime minister. Trevor’s recap of Boris’ career is worth watching.
World Laughs At Boris Johnson As Videos Expose His Idiocy

If you’ve been paying attention, then the fact that Boris Johnson is a complete imbecile isn’t exactly breaking news, but this is some next level stuff.
Boris Johnson Can’t Stop Having Sex With Women That Aren’t His Wife

Those in the know say that Boris Johnson has hopes of becoming the British Prime Minister. He might want to keep it in his pants, then.
Burka Drama – Boris Johnson Really Put His Foot In It This Time

Boris Johnson has done it again. And now he might be under investigation after yet another offensive comment, this time about Muslim women, their clothing and their religious choices.
Trolled: Boris Johnson Thought He Was Talking To Armenian PM For 18 Minutes (Listen Here)

The UK foreign secretary was involved in the gaffe of the century after being targeted by a prank caller. Have a listen to their uncut conversation.
British Prime Minister’s Awkward Response To Question About Boris Johnson [Video]

At a presser in Germany the British PM came under fire for her latest foreign appointment. Awkward when Angela Merkel is standing next to you as well.
Pure Quality – Boris Johnson Deals With Negative Obama / Clinton Remarks During Press Conference [Video]

When you’ve had a lengthy and impressive career involving putting your foot in your mouth, you sometimes have to answer some awkward questions.
Boris Johnson’s Quotes On Hillary, Putin, Trump And Obama Are Off The Charts

New Prime Minster Theresa May has begun appointing her Cabinet, but it’s the foreign minister she has chosen that is worth a good look.
Boris Johnson Deals With Hecklers On His Way To Work – Every Step Of The Way [Video]

It’s been a rough few days for embattled former mayor of London Boris Johnson, but that’s not stopping the public from having a go too.
This Is Why Boris Johnson Stepped Away From His Prime Minister Bid

Yesterday’s announcement that Boris wouldn’t run for PM sent shock waves around the world. Turns out he had to dig the knife out of his back.
Boris Johnson Says Trump Is ‘Clearly Out Of His Mind’ On Camera [Video]

Although Boris Johnson is a fellow New Yorker, he isn’t amped about Trump’s lack of humanity for his fellow Muslim citizens.
Brilliant – A Cyclist Flipping Boris Johnson The Bird [Video+Images]

You either love him or you hate him – unless you live on the other side of the world and can just watch on with popcorn in hand.
Enjoy Boris Johnson Shoulder Charging A 10-Year-Old Japanese Child To The Floor [Video]

Boris is no stranger to conflict for the most bizarre reasons, but there’s no reason to bulldoze a little kid.
Boris Johnson Meltdown – Tells Cab Driver To ‘Fuck Off And Die’ [Video]

It seems not even the Mayor of London is exempt from road rage after he let loose on a London taxi driver who swore at him. Politics at its finest.
Boris Johnson On Winston Churchill

Boris Johnson delves into some details from his new book, The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History, giving some insight into the man behind the tough exterior.
Boris Johnson Lashes Out At George Clooney

“Someone urgently needs to restore George Clooney’s marbles,” said London mayor Boris Johnson in response to Clooney’s remark regarding the return of the Elgin Marbles to their place of origin. But the Englishmen didn’t stop there. He went on to described Clooney’s comment as “Hitlerian agenda”.
BBC Interviewer Calls Boris Johnson A “Nasty Piece Of Work” [VIDEO]

London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson was interviewed on Saturday ahead of a BBC Two Documentary, “The Irresistable Rise” which will delve into the mayor’s past. Johnson is recognised for his successful handling of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Interviewed on the Andrew Mair Show, Johnson was asked about the quote that he made up when he was still a […]
Boris Johnson: The Spice Girls’ Greatest Fan? [VIDEO]

It’s no secret that here at 2oceansvibe we’re rather fond of London mayor Boris Johnson. Who wouldn’t be? He must have had a rough two weeks, running the city during the world’s largest event, so it seems only natural he’d let his hair down at the closing ceremony.
Butler’s Pizza Chef Celebrates One Million Pizzas By Meeting Boris Johnson

This is real news, my friends. Patricia Nomalungelo Sowazi of Butlers Pizza recently made her millionth pizza for the company since joining in 1990, and to celebrate, she traveled thousands of miles to meet Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, at the Olympics. Having worked six shifts a week for more than two decades, she has baked […]
Boris Johnson Gets Stuck On A Zip Line (Dangling) As Crowd Laughs [Video]

London Mayor Boris Johnson did some Olympic promotional work today, by whizzing down a zip line. Only problem is he didn’t make the end and ended up dangling above the general public. Please enjoy this video.
Boris Johnson’s “Olympic Welcome” Is Hilarious [VIDEO]

Despite a considerably busy schedule, what with the Olympic Games coming up and all, London Mayor Boris Johnson has managed to find the time to record special message to welcome travelers and athletes to his city. It’s quite something.
Boris Johnson: London Has Awesome Women, I Want An Airport In The Thames
In a typically outstanding interview with New York Magazine, Mayor of London Boris Johnson, has come out saying that London is a great city because of a “greater range of girls at the bar,” that he’s doing it all for fame, and he wants to “assume supreme power in England” to build an airport in the thames. Radical.
Some of you would have caught this clip during Friday’s 2oceansvibe Radio show, which was live from 08h00 to 09h30 (podcast here, if you missed the show). In case you needed more proof that London Mayor, Boris Johnson is a legend. In a perfect world, Boris Johnson will eventually become Prime Minister of Britain. […]
Putin Comes Out Firing After Boris And Trudeau Bareback Jokes

The second Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau cracked a few jokes about Putin at the G7 Summit, you knew there would be a retort.
Boris Might Lift Ban With UK Flights To Resume Tomorrow

The UK’s “kneejerk” reaction to the detection of the Omicron COVID-19 variant in South African labs has caused chaos for those wanting to travel this holiday season.
Messages For Biden From Ramaphosa, Bezos, Gates, Bush, Mandela Foundation, Clintons, And Boris

After Joe Biden’s victory became clear, congratulations rolled in from around the world. The stinging words from the Nelson Mandela Foundation definitely stand out.
Dumb And Dumber – Trump And Boris Don’t Seem To Understand The Coronavirus [Videos]

Whilst most people understand vaccines and how viruses spread and other basics, two world leaders can’t quite get a handle on things.
Tuesday Morning Spice

Siya Kolisi cashes in, Boris Johnson learns to write, Jeremy Clarkson apologises – Harry & Meghan still upset, China’s population declines, Eskom strangled by government bureaucracy, Italy’s most-wanted Mafia boss arrested, Australian Open bans Russian flags, South Africa sues Gordan & De Ruyter
Monday Morning Spice

Is Trump Toast? Britney loses it again. Plane crash in Nepal claims 72. Lisa Marie on ‘that kiss’. The Harry & Meghan saga continues. Miss USA wins Miss Universe. China in Covid nightmare. Boris Johnson gets photoshopped. Gatvol Saffer’s to protest against Eskom. Tiger on the loose in Jozi. Man Videos own heart attack.
UK’s ‘Air Force One’ Gets R19 Million Paint Job – This Is The Result [Video]

Boris Johnson was clearly tired of looking at the boring old RAF Voyager that carted him around, and approved a pricey makeover.