Daredevil’s Double BASE Jump Leaves No Room For Error [Video]
Daredevil Airborne Ben showed off his absolutely insane “double jump” from a rather unstable looking cliffside onto a teetering 975-metre “rock tower”.
Thursday Morning Spice
Yahoo’s US traffic higher than Google. Prison Break star is gay. Another base-jumper dies. Manning gets 35 years. Malema running into naming problems. Gaga not playing by the rules.
Famous BASE Jumper Badly Injured In Failed Flight Off Table Mountain – Jeb Corliss
BASE jumper Jeb Corliss is airlifted to hospital after breaking his leg in a fall on Table Mountain. Extreme sports enthusuaists will know that world famous BASE jumper, Jeb Corliss, is in Cape Town. Last week he made headlines by succesfully completing a controlled descent wingsuit flight off of Table Mountain, at insane speeds. Check […]