Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nehawu Wants FW De Klerk Stripped Of Nobel Prize

After his “blacks were not disenfranchised” statement on CNN last week, former president F.W. de Klerk has been taking a lot of flack. Not only did he get ripped a new one by cartoonist Zapiro in the Sunday Times yesterday, but Nehawu is now calling for him to be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize.

FW De Klerk On CNN: “Blacks Were Not Disenfranchised” [VIDEO]

Former SA president, FW De Klerk, spoke with CNN’s chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour in an interview screened last night, revealing some alarming thoughts he has on the legacy of apartheid in South Africa, and his relationship with Nelson Mandela today.

Shocking CNN Report Hints At Ethnic Cleansing In Syria

Syria has been in uprising since last year, with protesters demanding the resignation of Bashar al-Assad and the overthrow of his government. But this monster has access to loads of weapons and security forces. And if recent footage released by CNN is anything to go by, he will wipe out everyone who opposes him in cold blood – including entire families.