Monday, January 20, 2025

Purpose-Built Neighbourhood App Replacing WhatsApp Groups Throughout South Africa

It seems the only people sending text messages these days are banks and the TV license department. With WhatsApp completely dominating SA, it seems the digital messaging darling does have its limitations. OurHood provides a digital notice board for users to post to their real neighbours. This could be anything from a crime issue or general […]

This Is Why Facebook Is Bad For You

Since the explosion of social media into our world, networking and communication has changed face quite dramatically. Is this causing us to be more lonely in spite of more communication?

AWESOME: Send Emails That Self-Destruct After Reading

We all feel a little bit uneasy about our private emails being stashed and archived in someones inbox forever. Surely when we invented digital mail, we could have thought ahead and prevented it? Anyway, we didn’t – but now someone has created a service that will help with this.

Worried About Your Boss Seeing Your Dodgy Facebook Pics? Get This App

That awkward moment when your boss runs into compromising photos of you on the interwebs. If this is a worry in your life, as a result of raucous social activity, then this app could be the savior you’ve been waiting for. A new iOS app called aims is to cut the lifespan of those […]

Talk To The Hand – The Glove Phone Is Amazing [PIC]

This could be the perfect invention for those chilly winter mornings. Gloves that double as a phone. This is exactly what O2, a communications company, has unveiled. The glove phone is phase two of the company’s Recycle collection. Designer Sean Miles constructed the gloves from vintage Mui Mui and Pineider gloves and coupled that with recycled phone parts. These […]

Telkom Fined R449 Million By Competition Tribunal For “Price Fixing Monopoly”

Finally! The Competition Tribunal today fined Telkom R449 million for “abusing its dominance in the telecommunications market between 1999 and 2004.” The fine followed a decade-long investigation into the company’s practices. This immediately affected their JSE activity as well, with the share price falling this morning by 16c to R17,89.

US, China State Visit Gets Lost In Translation

The US, China state visit was always going to be a tricky affair. They speak different languages and good translators are so hard to find these days. Nevertheless, they met. Things were off to a good enough start but got testy when Obama straight up told the Chinese head of state they should do something about their human rights record. Whether he heard ‘human’ rights we’ll never know.