Inventors Of ‘Virtual Fence’ Collar For Dogs Are Now Working On New Pet ‘Smartphone’
[imagesource:twitter/@HaloCollar] “Hello? Yes, this is dog speaking,” is how a smartphone for dogs manifests in my imagination, but the reality is less fantastical and more a technological feat of great minds. In the ever-evolving world of pet tech, the Halo Collar, which harnesses the power of the internet of things (IoT) with Wi-Fi and GPS […]
Woman Heartbroken Over Her Dog Using Speech Buttons To Call For ‘Help’ [Video]
The clever puppo has been taught to use an intricate button system that allows him to communicate with humans, but Parker wasn’t that interested in using the device while mum wasn’t around – until the fateful day Crasnow left her pet alone for an hour.
When Flying To Paris To Surprise Your Partner Backfires
You plan the ultimate romantic gesture, and show up at an airport to surprise your partner, only find out that they had the same idea.
Look Out For These Important Changes Coming To WhatsApp
WhatsApp has decided to make extensive changes to the messaging app, including a ‘voice commands’ option.
You Can Get Banned From WhatsApp – Here’s How
WhatsApp is cracking down on people who misuse and abuse the messaging app. Here’s what will get you banned.
Sleep Texting Is A Thing Now And It Can Get Awkward
There’s sleepwalking, and sleep talking, and now you can add the potentially awkward sleep texting into the equation.
This Local Start-Up Could Collapse SA’s Mobile Industry
A new local start-up is set to change the way South Africans communicate with one another, and that could spell big trouble for our existing mobile networks.
Purpose-Built Neighbourhood App Replacing WhatsApp Groups Throughout South Africa
It seems the only people sending text messages these days are banks and the TV license department. With WhatsApp completely dominating SA, it seems the digital messaging darling does have its limitations. OurHood provides a digital notice board for users to post to their real neighbours. This could be anything from a crime issue or general […]
This Messaging App Has The Worst Reported Privacy – We’ll Give You One Guess Which One It Is
Whatsapp has taken over the way we communicate, from messages to voice notes to images, videos and calls… but just how many people are looking at your conversations?
The Apple Music Ad Is The Coolest Video You’ll Watch Today
Apple has been around for a while now (thank goodness for that) and every few months they spring something new and wonderful on us. This time, it’s simply their adverts.
You Can Still Receive Calls With No Cellphone Signal – This Is How
The level of phone signal in some parts of South Africa is something left to be desired – sometimes it feels like we live in a black hole of zero technology.
What Is The Point Of Having A Mobile Charger If It’s Flat All The Time?
There is nothing worse, NOTHING, than when your phone battery hit the red zone. It can literally alter your life path. Who knows what could have happened if your phone was ON? Don’t let it happen to you.
Now You Can WhatsApp On Your Desktop Computer All Day Long
Oh good, another means to distract ourselves from doing anything work-related. Between pinning all the things and stalking people on Instagram, we thought we were doing ok. But now… trouble.
Genius: These Okes Made Choosing Your Next Phone/Provider Combination Child’s Play
Is your phone contract reaching the end of it’s life expectancy? Is the great phone hunt about to begin again? Have a look at this before you do anything. You’ll thank us later.
Facebook To Compete With LinkedIn With New Facebook For Work
Ah, Facebook. So much more fun than LinkedIn. Imagine a combination. They should bring Tinder into the mix, too. See who you can date from the office. What fun.
The ANC Has Found Massive Success With Mxit – Listen To This
Who thought that a national political party would use a social media platform so well that they would be awarded for it? Maybe some other parties out there should take heed?
Please Enjoy Mark Zuckerberg Quietly Speaking Chinese During Q&A
*Ugh. Wait. I need to go check my Facebook. I’ll be back in reality now now.* I do that little sequence a few times a day…
The Most Important Thing To Remember Before Rocking The Daisies
There’s nothing worse than losing something and then having to spend ridic amounts of money replacing it. It’s silly and unnecessary. Here’s how to avoid it.
It’s Happened – They Have Cellphone Texting Pedestrian Lanes In China
A city in China has pulled off sheer genius with this little idea. With phones ruling our lives in 2014, every busy city centre should have this. Heck, there should be one on the Sea Point promenade for sunsets.
Brilliant New California Law – Every Smartphone MUST Have A ‘Kill Switch’
Our smartphone’s are like our third hand, or our extra brain, or in some cases our best friends. That feeling when we lose them is horrific. The thought of someone else having access to our private lives is even worse…
This Is Why Facebook Is Bad For You
Since the explosion of social media into our world, networking and communication has changed face quite dramatically. Is this causing us to be more lonely in spite of more communication?
Everything You Want to Know About the ‘Yo’ App Everyone Is Talking About
The ultra-simplistic Yo app has generated quite a lot of buzz, but what does it do? Is there any point? And what does the future hold for the 8-hour creation?
AWESOME: Send Emails That Self-Destruct After Reading
We all feel a little bit uneasy about our private emails being stashed and archived in someones inbox forever. Surely when we invented digital mail, we could have thought ahead and prevented it? Anyway, we didn’t – but now someone has created a service that will help with this.
Worried About Your Boss Seeing Your Dodgy Facebook Pics? Get This App
That awkward moment when your boss runs into compromising photos of you on the interwebs. If this is a worry in your life, as a result of raucous social activity, then this app could be the savior you’ve been waiting for. A new iOS app called aims is to cut the lifespan of those […]
The Steve Jobs Movie Becomes The First Official Trailer To Drop on Instagram [VIDEO]
Of course the Jobs movie based on ex-Apple CEO Steve Jobs has a finely tuned trailer for Instagram. The feature for the movie that stars the likes of Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gadd has specifically been created for the social media platform. To check out the official trailer, click here and to view the Instagram video […]
Talk To The Hand – The Glove Phone Is Amazing [PIC]
This could be the perfect invention for those chilly winter mornings. Gloves that double as a phone. This is exactly what O2, a communications company, has unveiled. The glove phone is phase two of the company’s Recycle collection. Designer Sean Miles constructed the gloves from vintage Mui Mui and Pineider gloves and coupled that with recycled phone parts. These […]
If We’re Not Writing Actual Letters, Should Our Emails Have Such Elaborate Signoffs?
What is your signoff? Let’s be honest, we’ve all wasted too much time thinking about how to sign off at the end of an email. There’s a check list of questions that every one of us runs through: What do I write at the end of a business/professional email? Do I need to change my […]
Telkom Fined R449 Million By Competition Tribunal For “Price Fixing Monopoly”
Finally! The Competition Tribunal today fined Telkom R449 million for “abusing its dominance in the telecommunications market between 1999 and 2004.” The fine followed a decade-long investigation into the company’s practices. This immediately affected their JSE activity as well, with the share price falling this morning by 16c to R17,89.
US, China State Visit Gets Lost In Translation
The US, China state visit was always going to be a tricky affair. They speak different languages and good translators are so hard to find these days. Nevertheless, they met. Things were off to a good enough start but got testy when Obama straight up told the Chinese head of state they should do something about their human rights record. Whether he heard ‘human’ rights we’ll never know.