How Effective Are Those Clear Plastic Screens At Shops?
One of the many added safety protocols during this time, at stores across the country, has been the clear plastic screens that separate cashier and customer at checkout.
‘Breakthrough’ COVID-19 Steroid Drug Already In Use In SA
Over the past few days, dexamethasone has been touted as a breakthrough drug in terms of treating critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Lockdown Is “All But Over”
After Ramaphosa’s address last night, News24’s editor-in-chief, Adriaan Basson, says that lockdown is “all but over”, and individual responsibility is now paramount to fighting COVID-19.
Plume Of Doom: Flushing The Toilet Could Help Spread COVID-19
A new study reveals that going to the loo directly after someone with COVID-19 is far from ideal.
Here’s What ‘Advanced Alert Level 3’ Looks Like
While we don’t know if or when we might move to alert level 2, ‘advanced alert level 3’ is on the cards, heralding in a few key changes.
Friday Morning Spice
Second wave. UK monuments boarded up. Crime boss role in Fury bout. Best TV shows of 2020. Fawlty Towers episode dropped.
Face Masks And Asymptomatic Carriers – What The Latest Studies Show
On Monday, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, played down the risk of an asymptomatic person transmitting COVID-19. This led many to dismiss face masks as necessary.
Here’s The Latest On The Hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 Trials
As far back as the first outbreak of COVID-19 in China, researchers have been testing the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine with mixed results.
Life In New Zealand Now That They’re Officially COVID-19 Free [Videos]
New Zealand, the first country to eliminate the coronavirus, is celebrating as things return to ‘normal’.
The Very Real Hospital Numbers Behind The Fake Booze Ban Panic
Yesterday, WhatsApp messages started doing the rounds, and South Africans rushed to stock up their liquor supplies. That panic was unfounded, but some of the reasoning isn’t.
They’re So Sure Of This COVID-19 Vaccine They’re Already Manufacturing Millions Of Doses
Scientists at Oxford University are confident that they’ve developed the first workable COVID-19 vaccine, although much testing still lies ahead.
Western Cape “Will Be Three Times Worse” – Get Ready For The ‘Big Wave’
Whilst the Western Cape is weeks ahead of the rest of the country in terms of surges in cases, the worst is still to come.
Plan On Breaking Lockdown Rules This Weekend? Consider What The “Virus Slayer” Says
Across the country, this weekend could prove to be a watershed moment, and it seems as though there will be major flouting of some lockdown regulations.
COVID-19 More Dangerous For Bald Men
Recent research suggests that baldness could be one of the reasons why more men are dying from COVID-19 than women.
Make Sure Your Boss Isn’t Using This Software To Spy On You At Home
As many of us heed the advice of experts and work from home, companies are finding creative ways to keep track of our progress.
You Won’t Be Able To Buy Booze Tomorrow
Consider this a friendly reminder that if you want to stock up on booze for the weekend, you’ll have to do it today, and before 5PM.
COVID-19 Data Shows Western Cape Three Weeks Ahead Of Rest Of Country
One projection shows that as many as 9 300 people in the province could die from COVID-19 in the next six months.
Important Guidelines For Employers Of Domestic Workers
As of June 1, domestic workers were allowed to return to work under strict conditions. Here’s what you need to know.
Four Ways Lockdown Has Changed SA’s Rental Market
The rental market has had to adapt to the national lockdown in some fundamental and interesting ways.
Alert Level 3: Experts On Whether It’s Safe To Fly
You’ll be able to fly across the country for business purposes during alert level 3, but experts recommend incorporating some extra safety measures if doing so.
Does Standing Two Metres Apart Really Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19?
A new study looks into just how effective the two-metre physical distancing rule actually is.
Let’s Chat About Those Secret Kids’ Playdates You’ve Been Having
I have an immense amount of sympathy for parents having to endure lockdown with cooped up children in the house.
Belgium’s Partying Prince Gives Harry A Run For His Money – Now Has COVID-19
If you go to a massive party during a pandemic, and you’re part of a royal family, best hope you don’t end up catching the coronavirus.
We May Be Closer To Alert Level 1 Than You Think
President Ramaphosa said yesterday that scientists advising the government’s coronavirus response recommended a drop to alert level 1.
BBC Reckons Rest Of Africa Can Learn Eight COVID-19 Lessons From SA
South Africa’s confirmed cases and death toll are higher than in many other African countries, and there are some valuable lessons to be learnt from our approach thus far.
SA’s COVID-19 Testing Backlog Is Very Worrying
Until we do something about the backlog of testing in South Africa, there’s no accurate way to predict just how bad the spread of the virus really is.
Friday Morning Spice
French cafés reopen. Trump signs social media exec order. Epstein was not depressed. No roller-coaster screaming. Partying after lockdown.
Comparing SA’s Weekly Deaths During Lockdown To Predictions
A new report from the South African Medical Research Council documents the number of weekly deaths recorded during the lockdown, compared with predictions using data from previous years.
How Can We Open Churches But Not Restaurants?
The announcement that religious gatherings of 50 people or less could resume under alert level 3 has sparked some heated debate.
Tired Of Moaning About Smokes? Get Angry About Army Brutality And Failed Grants
Much coverage and analysis has been given to the tobacco sales ban, but we should also be outraged by SANDF brutality and our state failing our most vulnerable citizens.