Checkers Sixty60 Driver Robbed At Gunpoint In Under 60 Seconds [Video]

On Monday, a Checkers Sixty60 delivery driver’s usual delivery turned into a frightening ordeal when he suddenly found himself being robbed at gunpoint.
Tips For South Africans Looking To Shop US Black Friday Deals

South African shoppers looking to score major deals on Black Friday might want to consider expanding their horizons.
What You Eat Can Seriously Affect Your Mental Health – Here’s Why

The brain and the gut are connected biochemically by the “gut-brain axis”. That bond is so strong that the gut is often referred to as the “second brain”.
These Guys Offer Same-Day Booze Delivery Across Cape Town

There are many booze delivery apps and services out there, but same-day delivery is pretty darn impressive.
They Reckon This Weed Company Could Be The Next Amazon

In a matter of months, first marijuana company to go public on the Nasdaq has seen its value increase more than tenfold. Take a look at the company that some are calling the “next Amazon”.
Looters Are Now Robbing Trucks While They’re Driving – Check This Hectic Video Out

Driving between PE and East London, a truck driver began driving erratically. When fellow drivers saw what was going on, they offered help.
Genius App Lets You Courier Anything Overseas With Your Phone

If you have ever been put off the idea of sending a package overseas, for fear of it not reaching its final destination, you’re not doing it right.
How To Get Your Post To Actually Deliver On Time

Although it’s not the most efficient form of communication, sending a letter via post is nostalgic AF. It’s super lame when the letter you sent never arrives, though.
How To Take Advantage Of Amazon’s Massive 30-Hour ‘Prime Day’ Sale

Amazon Prime Day has more sales than Black Friday, but you’re going to need to know a few tricks to make that count to your advantage.
6 000 Spree Customers Have Been Waiting Weeks For Delivery And They’re Freaking Out

Local online retailer Spree had a little bit of a logistics whoopsie, but hey failed to tell customers why their orders weren’t being delivered and it’s become very messy.
The App That Could Finally Be The Death Of The SA Postal Service

No idea which courier to use in order to ensure that all-important parcel is delivered ASAP? There’s an app to sort it all out, of course.
How A Local Startup Is Redefining The Way Employees Eat Lunch

Providing employees with a healthy lunch option doesn’t only increase their productivity levels, but their mood, too. One local company is delivering the goods.
Finally, The Game Changer For Everyone Who Lives In The Deep South

If you happen to live in the Deep South, tucked away from the rest of Cape Town, this news may just make your evening that much better.
We Can’t Wait For Uber’s Epic New Feature To Reach SA

Uber has dominated the market with its renowned safety taxi service and now it’s slowly moving into the delivery spectre. With relish.
If You’d Rather Stay At Home Than Buy Into Next Week’s Valentine’s Dinner Marketing Bullshit, You’ll Enjoy This

For many years my wife and I (sorry, ladies – but it’s true) have purposefully celebrated Valentine’s Day on a day other than the 14th. We just couldn’t endure sharing a restaurant with other “lovers”. This year we’re not even going out at all – we’ve got something else planned.
Maybe It’s Time To Replace Those Ridiculous Old Pots Of Yours – How’s 80% Off?

Need something to spice up your kitchen? Well, here’s just the thing – for a limited time only.
Swan Rocket Blender For R649 Including Delivery (64% Off)

Summer is on its way, guys, and some are already on their way to getting their minds, bodies and souls ready. Don’t be left behind.
Cape Town Wood Delivery
Everyone has their own preference when it comes to cooking their vleis. You need to set a good base though, if those flames aren’t just right hier kom kak.
You Know When You Have To Shout For More Toilet Paper? You Don’t Have To Do That Anymore

You might think you have this whole adult thing down but there comes a time in every person’s life when planning goes awry. Fear not, help is at hand.
Please Enjoy These Badly Overloaded Shanghai Delivery Bikes [Video]

This video from China dwarfs anything you may have seen around these parts on our roads – efficiency at its finest.
Behold: Amazon Reveals Its New Robot Staff [Video]

Amazon has revealed the robots it uses to ship your packages. They are basically very diligent, extremely efficient short people. Check it out…
Is FedEx The #1 Shipper Of Illegal Drugs In America?

FedEx could be in a lot of trouble as the shipping company heads to court Tuesday to face $1.6 billion in charges of conspiring to traffic illegal meds.
Amazon Is Now Shipping Items Before They Get Ordered

There’s delivering packages on time and there’s just ridiculous. Amazon just got ridiculous.
Jeff Bezos Wants To Use Drones To Deliver Amazon Online Purchases To Homes [VIDEO]

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos appeared on an episode of ’60 Minutes’, where he revealed that the world’s largest online store has been working on experimental drone-based delivery systems.
This Is Why You Will Never Have To Go Grocery Shopping Again #dailydish

I’m not talking about buying groceries online. I’m talking about you getting the exact amount of fresh ingredients needed to make amazing meals for the week, plus the recipes, delivered to your door every week.
Uber Is Delivering Kittens In New York

Apparently October 29 is National Cat Day in the United States. Not being Americans, it’s understandable that no one here knows, or indeed cares. But still, National Cat Day is worth remarking on because yesterday, Uber hand delivered kittens for people to play with if they lived in New York, San Francisco, or Seattle.
If You’re Blowing Cash On Firewood Instead On Having It Delivered, You’re A Fool – Here’s Why

I’ve got one of those glass-door cast-iron fireplaces at The Residence, and I’ve been spending a small fortune on wood from the shops. Not anymore. Now I get it delivered – for less..
This Drone Delivered Beers From The Air At Oppikoppi [VIDEO]

We all hate queuing for beer. Some lucky folks at Oppikoppi didn’t have to though, thanks to the beer delivering drone. (Note: beer, not bomb.) If you were at Oppi this weekend, all you had to do was download an app, order your beer of choice, and this octo-copter would fly up into the sky and […]
Clifton Trawler Pizza Men Become International Heroes (Mind-Blowing Video)
Things have been moving at a rapid pace. Just as we recovered from the news of the Clifton Trawler pizza delivery making the London Metro newspaper (here), we get hit with an escalation in their fame – that they have now made the Wall Street Journal (here)! The Butler’s Pizza delivery men are fast becoming […]
Wall Street Journal Covers “Clifton Trawler Pizza Delivery”
By now you should have heard about the pizzas we ordered from Butlers Pizza to be delivered to the stricken Eihatsu Maru ship on Clifton beach. Naturally it wasn’t a problem for them, as they’re Cape Town’s #1 pizza company. You can check the video HERE if you missed it. But more recently a picture […]