Heideveld Hero: Father Risks Life To Save Two From Drowning At Bloubergstrand Family Fun Day

“It was just hectic, I almost died as well because the waves were hitting us,” Brandon Janeke explained.
Michigan Officer Hailed As Hero For Daring Save On The Road, Climbing Into Truck While Driving [Video]

Behind the truck’s wheel, a 63-year-old driver was visibly in distress, suffering from a sudden medical emergency.
Chris Hani District Hero Cycles Hours To Bring ARVs And Chronic Meds To Rural Residents Who Can’t Go Themselves

“I do my best, even though I have nothing myself. I only have God. I pray to God every day to give me the power to help people.”
Homeless US Man Saves Stroller From Oncoming Traffic And Bags The Job He Just Interviewed For [Video]

When serendipity, luck, good karma and mercury finally working in your favour all collide, you get a moment as amazing as when Ron Nessman become a hero.
This UK Lad Just Saved Two Kids From Drowning At Sea Point Promenade Beach

UK tourist Toby Finneran was walking along the Sea Point promenade on Sunday when he suddenly became a bit of a local hero.
CrossFit Coach Dies Alongside Father While Saving Wife From Rip Current

A beloved CrossFit coach from Phoenix is now being honoured as a hero after he died saving his wife from drowning.
Remarkable Story Of Hero Guitarist Saving Lives On Sinking SA Cruise Ship

It was not the captain, crew, engineers, or cruise officials who saved all of the passengers aboard the Oceanos cruise ship that sank off the coast of South Africa in 1991.
Kid Falls From Fifth Floor Into Man’s Arms [Video]

There was nobody home at the time, so neighbours gathered on the pavement outside, spreading blankets on an awning in the hope of breaking his fall.
Brad Pitt Saves Fan From Certain Death [Video]

Brad Pitt isn’t only ridiculously good looking, he’s also acutely aware of his fans. He even came to the rescue of a girl in Spain.
The Amazing Story Of How One Nepalese Soldier Defeated 30 Taliban Fighters On His Own

When the odds are stacked against you it’s either fight or flight, although it takes some incredible skill and courage to overcome odds like these.
Video Of Man Rescuing Birdwatchers From Sinking Mud Goes Viral

A pair of Norwegian birdwatchers found themselves in a sticky situation whilst in southern Thailand. Enter this unlikely hero.
Remember That Rat With The Slice Of Pizza? He Has Now Gone Global [Video+Games+Images]

Pizza Rat really made his mark on the world – some even called him the hero that New York deserves. And now, he has inspired a host of people to create in his name.
WATCH: Drama As Train Terror Attack Is Foiled By US Servicemen [Video]

A couple of Yanks are proving mighty popular in France after they foiled a planned terrorist attack. It helps that they are pretty well trained, of course.
Hero Dog Dies Saving Suicidal Owner From Oncoming Train

“Man’s best friend” takes on a whole new meaning after you read this amazing story. If you thought your dog was loyal, you’ve got nothing on this canine, who rescued his owner’s life – even though it would mean that he’d have to sacrifice his own.