California Man Experiences Remarkable Medical Triumph, Becoming Free Of HIV And Cancer
On the undesirable roster of illnesses, cancer and HIV are notably high-ranking. One Californian man found himself afflicted with both, and then potentially cured of both after a miraculous donor treatment.
Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Is HIV Positive – Runs Him Over [Video]
I wouldn’t expect anyone to react well to news such as this, although this woman may land up behind bars for what she did.
Unearthed Recordings Show Shocking White House Response To AIDS [Video]
Prepare to get a little bit angry as you watch the 1980s White House laugh about HIV/AIDS and those suffering from it.
Explosive Hollywood Story As Superstar Actor Keeps HIV Secret
What started as a murmur has now gained international media coverage, a major Hollywood actor reportedly HIV positive.
Now You Can Get Your Meds From The ATM
We know we don’t give the South African health sector many pats on the back, but this non-profit organisation is set to make a huge difference in the lives of many.
Here’s Victoria Beckham Hugging A Black Child In Soweto
Victoria Beckham, she of the camera pout and all round skinniness, oh, and wife of David, made a trip to South Africa and put pics on Twitter…
Astonishing Story Of Young Malawian Who Saved His Family With A Homemade Windmill [VIDEO]
Check out this short documentary about a young Malawian called William Kamkwamba who built a windmill out of scraps and saved his family, and then ultimately his village, when famine and destitution threatened to destroy them. Real African success stories like this are hard to find, and this one is nothing short of extraordinary.