Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Full Golden Globes Winners List

The critics have spoken and the results are in. Here’s a complete list of the Golden Globe winners for 2019. Some of them we saw coming, whilst others might surprise you.

Teenager’s Boyfriend Comparison List Found On Plane

When this teenager couldn’t decide between choosing a guy with no job or a guy who just came out of rehab, she relied on the old pros and cons list to make up her mind. It makes perfect sense – if you are a teenage girl. It also makes perfect sense, if the said list was found and posted on the Internet by a stranger, for us to find glee in her dilemma.

These Are The Best Places To Retire In 2014

Older people aren’t cut out for most kinds of city living. That’s not to say that they’re better off outdoors – because they suck at that too. What retirees need is cities that are tailored to suit their lifestyle.