Please Enjoy Will Ferrell Wearing His New ‘Money Suit’
Will Ferrel’s brand-spanking-new series, The Spoils of Babylon, premiered on Tuesday night in Los Angeles. The cast is jam-packed full of comedic talent, but one among them stood out that glamorous evening.
Check The Trailer For Angelina Jolie’s ‘Maleficent’ (She Has Horns) [VIDEO]
Remember Maleficent? She’s Disney’s interpretation of the wicked fairy godmother. You know, the the one who curses Aurora, AKA Sleeping Beauty. She’s been called “one of the most menacing villains in the Disney canon”, and came first in a countdown of Disney’s most evil villains (really). So who better to play her than… Angelina Jolie?
Critics DESTROY ‘Diana’ Movie, Following Premiere
Within hours of the Princess Diana biopic premier screening, film critics have torn it apart with a string of merciless reviews.
Anne Hathaway Forgets Underwear, Flashes Paparazzi At ‘Les Miserables’ Premiere
There are so many things to discuss, when it comes to Anne hathaway’s outfit at the premiere of Les Miserables. Let’s forget her shaven flash to paparazzi for now, and just focus on her clothing. Wow – those shoes. Is this Batman, or Les Miserables?
Will Smith Slaps Male Reporter Trying To Kiss Him At MIB Premiere [VIDEO]
At the Moscow premiere of the latest Men In Black film, a male reporter tried to kiss Will Smith on the mouth. But all he got in return was a backhanded bitch slap and a signature, “The hell’s yo problem?!” from Will. Check it out inside.